Builds a VRT (Virtual Dataset) that is a mosaic of the list of input GDAL-supported rasters. With a mosaic you can merge several raster files. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL buildvrt utility .
Capas de entrada
[multipleinput: rasters]The output resolution of the mosaic. By default the average resolution of th raster files will be chosen.
0 — promedio
1 — más alto
2 — más bajo
Predeterminado: 0
Pila de capa
[boolean]With ‘False’ you can define that each raster file goes into a separated stacked band in the VRT band.
Por defecto: True
Allow projection difference
[boolean]Allows that the output bands have different projections derived from the projection of the input raster layers.
Predeterminado: False
Capa de salida
[raster]Archivo ráster de salida
processing.runalg('gdalogr:buildvirtualraster', input, resolution, separate, proj_difference, output)
Merges raster files in a simple way. Here you can use a pseudocolor table from an input raster and define the output raster type. All the images must be in the same coordinate system. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL merge utility .
Capas de entrada
[multipleinput: rasters]Capas ráster de entrada.
Tomar tabla pseudocolor de la primera capa
[boolean]The pseudocolor table from the first layer will be used for the coloring.
Predeterminado: False
Pila de capa
[boolean]If ‘True’ is chosen each input file will be placed into a separate stacked band.
Predeterminado: False
Tipo de ráster de salida
[selection]Definir el formato del archivo ráster de salida. Por defecto este es Float32.
Predeterminado: 5
Capa de salida
[raster]Capa ráster de salida.
processing.runalg('gdalogr:merge', input, pct, separate, rtype, output)
To speed up rendering time of raster layers overviews (pyramids) can be created. Overviews are lower resolution copies of the data which QGIS uses depending of the level of zoom. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL addo utility .
Capa de entrada
[raster]Capa ráster de entrada.
Niveles de vista general
[string]Defines the number of overview levels calculated by the original resolution of the input raster layer. By default 4 levels will be taken into consideration.
Predeterminado: 2 4 8 16
Eliminar todas las vistas generales existentes
[boolean]Elimina vistas generales existentes de un ráster. De forma predeterminada no son eliminadas.
Predeterminado: False
Método de remuestreo
[selection]Calcula las vistas generales con un método de remuestreo definido.
0 — el más cercano
1 — promedio
3 — cúbico
6 — modo
Predeterminado: 0
Formato de vista general
[selection]The overviews can be stored internally, or externally as GTiff or ERDAS Imagine file. By default the overviews are stored in the output raster.
0 — Interno (Si es posible)
1 — Externo (GTiff .ovr)
2 — Externo (ERDAS Imagine .aux)
Predeterminado: 0
Capa de salida
[raster]Capara ráster de salida con vistas generales.
processing.runalg('gdalogr:overviews', input, levels, clean, resampling_method, format)
The gdalinfo program lists various information about a GDAL supported raster dataset.
Capa de entrada
[raster]Capa ráster en entrada
Suprimir información GCP
[boolean]Suppress ground control points list printing. It may be useful for datasets with huge amount of GCPs, such as L1B AVHRR or HDF4 MODIS which contain thousands of them.
Predeterminado: False
Suprimir información de metadatos
[boolean]Suppress metadata printing. Some datasets may contain a lot of metadata strings.
Predeterminado: False
Información de capa
[html]Información ráster en salida
processing.runalg('gdalorg:rasterinfo', input, nogcp, nometadata, output)
This tool builds a shapefile with a record for each input raster file, an attribute containing the filename, and a polygon geometry outlining the raster. This output is suitable for use with MapServer as a raster tileindex.
Capas de entrada
[multipleinput: rasters]Los archivos ráster de entrada. Pueden ser múltiples archivos.
Tile index field
El nombre del campo de salida que almacenará la ruta/ubicación de archivo de los rásters indizados.
Predeterminado: ubicación
Skip files with different projection reference
[boolean]Only files with same projection as files already inserted in the tile index will be inserted. Default does not check projection and accepts all inputs.
Predeterminado: False
Capa de salida
[vector]processing.runalg('gdalogr:tileindex', input, field_name, proj_difference, output)