QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (ebb4087afc0)
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2 qgsserverogcapihandler.cpp - QgsServerOgcApiHandler
4 ---------------------
5 begin : 10.7.2019
6 copyright : (C) 2019 by Alessandro Pasotti
7 email : elpaso at itopen dot it
8 ***************************************************************************
9 * *
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
13 * (at your option) any later version. *
14 * *
15 ***************************************************************************/
17#include <QDateTime>
18#include <QFileInfo>
19#include <QDir>
20#include <QDebug>
22#include "qgsmessagelog.h"
23#include "qgsproject.h"
24#include "qgsjsonutils.h"
25#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
28#include "qgsserverapiutils.h"
29#include "qgsserverresponse.h"
30#include "qgsserverinterface.h"
32#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
33#include "inja/inja.hpp"
35using namespace nlohmann;
36using namespace inja;
39QVariantMap QgsServerOgcApiHandler::values( const QgsServerApiContext &context ) const
41 QVariantMap result;
42 const auto constParameters { parameters( context ) };
43 for ( const auto &p : constParameters )
44 {
45 // value() calls the validators and throws an exception if validation fails
46 result[p.name()] = p.value( context );
47 }
48 const auto sanitizedPath { QgsServerOgcApi::sanitizeUrl( context.handlerPath() ).path() };
49 const auto match { path().match( sanitizedPath ) };
50 if ( match.hasMatch() )
51 {
52 const auto constNamed { path().namedCaptureGroups() };
53 // Get named path parameters
54 for ( const auto &name : constNamed )
55 {
56 if ( !name.isEmpty() )
57 result[name] = QUrlQuery( match.captured( name ) ).toString();
58 }
59 }
60 return result;
65 //qDebug() << "handler destroyed";
70 const auto constContentTypes( contentTypes() );
71 return constContentTypes.size() > 0 ? constContentTypes.first() : QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType::JSON;
74QList<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType> QgsServerOgcApiHandler::contentTypes() const
76 return mContentTypes;
81 Q_UNUSED( context )
82 throw QgsServerApiNotImplementedException( QStringLiteral( "Subclasses must implement handleRequest" ) );
85QString QgsServerOgcApiHandler::contentTypeForAccept( const QString &accept ) const
87 const auto constContentTypes( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeMimes() );
88 for ( auto it = constContentTypes.constBegin();
89 it != constContentTypes.constEnd(); ++it )
90 {
91 const auto constValues = it.value();
92 for ( const auto &value : constValues )
93 {
94 if ( accept.contains( value, Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) )
95 {
96 return value;
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 // Log level info because this is not completely unexpected
101 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "Content type for accept %1 not found!" ).arg( accept ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
103 return QString();
106void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::write( json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context, const json &htmlMetadata ) const
108 const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType contentType { contentTypeFromRequest( context.request() ) };
109 switch ( contentType )
110 {
112 data["handler"] = schema( context );
113 if ( !htmlMetadata.is_null() )
114 {
115 data["metadata"] = htmlMetadata;
116 }
117 htmlDump( data, context );
118 break;
122 jsonDump( data, context, QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeMimes().value( contentType ).first() );
123 break;
125 // Not handled yet
126 break;
127 }
130void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::write( QVariant &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QVariantMap &htmlMetadata ) const
132 json j = QgsJsonUtils::jsonFromVariant( data );
133 json jm = QgsJsonUtils::jsonFromVariant( htmlMetadata );
134 QgsServerOgcApiHandler::write( j, context, jm );
137std::string QgsServerOgcApiHandler::href( const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QString &extraPath, const QString &extension ) const
139 QUrl url { context.request()->url() };
140 QString urlBasePath { context.matchedPath() };
141 const auto match { path().match( QgsServerOgcApi::sanitizeUrl( context.handlerPath() ).path() ) };
142 if ( match.captured().count() > 0 )
143 {
144 url.setPath( urlBasePath + match.captured( 0 ) );
145 }
146 else
147 {
148 url.setPath( urlBasePath );
149 }
151 // Remove any existing extension
152 const auto suffixLength { QFileInfo( url.path() ).suffix().length() };
153 if ( suffixLength > 0 )
154 {
155 auto path { url.path() };
156 path.truncate( path.length() - ( suffixLength + 1 ) );
157 url.setPath( path );
158 }
160 // Add extra path
161 url.setPath( url.path() + extraPath );
163 // (re-)add extension
164 // JSON is the default anyway so we don't need to add it
165 if ( !extension.isEmpty() )
166 {
167 // Remove trailing slashes if any.
168 QString path { url.path() };
169 while ( path.endsWith( '/' ) )
170 {
171 path.chop( 1 );
172 }
173 url.setPath( path + '.' + extension );
174 }
175 return QgsServerOgcApi::sanitizeUrl( url ).toString( QUrl::FullyEncoded ).toStdString();
178void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::jsonDump( json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QString &contentType ) const
180 // Do not append timestamp to openapi
181 if ( !QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeMimes().value( QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType::OPENAPI3 ).contains( contentType, Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) )
182 {
183 QDateTime time { QDateTime::currentDateTime() };
184 time.setTimeSpec( Qt::TimeSpec::UTC );
185 data["timeStamp"] = time.toString( Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ).toStdString();
186 }
187 context.response()->setStatusCode( 200 );
188 context.response()->setHeader( QStringLiteral( "Content-Type" ), contentType );
189#ifdef QGISDEBUG
190 context.response()->write( data.dump( 2 ) );
192 context.response()->write( data.dump() );
198 Q_UNUSED( context )
199 return nullptr;
202json QgsServerOgcApiHandler::link( const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QgsServerOgcApi::Rel &linkType, const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType contentType, const std::string &title ) const
204 json l {
205 { "href", href( context, "/", QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeToExtension( contentType ) )
206 },
208 { "type", QgsServerOgcApi::mimeType( contentType ) },
209 { "title", title != "" ? title : linkTitle() },
210 };
211 return l;
216 const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType currentCt { contentTypeFromRequest( context.request() ) };
217 json links = json::array();
218 const QList<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType> constCts { contentTypes() };
219 for ( const auto &ct : constCts )
220 {
221 links.push_back( link( context, ( ct == currentCt ? QgsServerOgcApi::Rel::self : QgsServerOgcApi::Rel::alternate ), ct, linkTitle() + " as " + QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeToStdString( ct ) ) );
222 }
223 return links;
228 if ( !context.project() )
229 {
230 throw QgsServerApiImproperlyConfiguredException( QStringLiteral( "Project is invalid or undefined" ) );
231 }
232 // Check collectionId
233 const QRegularExpressionMatch match { path().match( context.request()->url().path() ) };
234 if ( !match.hasMatch() )
235 {
236 throw QgsServerApiNotFoundError( QStringLiteral( "Collection was not found" ) );
237 }
238 const QString collectionId { match.captured( QStringLiteral( "collectionId" ) ) };
239 // May throw if not found
240 return layerFromCollectionId( context, collectionId );
243const QString QgsServerOgcApiHandler::staticPath( const QgsServerApiContext &context ) const
245 // resources/server/api + /static
246 return context.serverInterface()->serverSettings()->apiResourcesDirectory() + QStringLiteral( "/ogc/static" );
251 // resources/server/api + /ogc/templates/ + operationId + .html
252 QString path { context.serverInterface()->serverSettings()->apiResourcesDirectory() };
253 path += QLatin1String( "/ogc/templates" );
254 path += context.apiRootPath();
255 path += '/';
256 path += QString::fromStdString( operationId() );
257 path += QLatin1String( ".html" );
258 return path;
262void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::htmlDump( const json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context ) const
264 context.response()->setHeader( QStringLiteral( "Content-Type" ), QStringLiteral( "text/html" ) );
265 auto path { templatePath( context ) };
266 if ( !QFile::exists( path ) )
267 {
268 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "Template not found error: %1" ).arg( path ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
269 throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "Template not found: %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( path ).fileName() ) );
270 }
272 QFile f( path );
273 if ( !f.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) )
274 {
275 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "Could not open template file: %1" ).arg( path ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
276 throw QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Could not open template file: %1" ).arg( QFileInfo( path ).fileName() ) );
277 }
279 try
280 {
281 // Get the template directory and the file name
282 QFileInfo pathInfo { path };
283 Environment env { QString( pathInfo.dir().path() + QDir::separator() ).toStdString() };
285 // For template debugging:
286 env.add_callback( "json_dump", 0, [=]( Arguments & ) {
287 return data.dump();
288 } );
290 // Path manipulation: appends a directory path to the current url
291 env.add_callback( "path_append", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
292 auto url { context.request()->url() };
293 QFileInfo fi { url.path() };
294 auto suffix { fi.suffix() };
295 auto fName { fi.filePath() };
296 if ( !suffix.isEmpty() )
297 {
298 fName.chop( suffix.length() + 1 );
299 }
300 // Chop any ending slashes
301 while ( fName.endsWith( '/' ) )
302 {
303 fName.chop( 1 );
304 }
305 fName += '/' + QString::fromStdString( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string>() );
306 if ( !suffix.isEmpty() )
307 {
308 fName += '.' + suffix;
309 }
310 fi.setFile( fName );
311 url.setPath( fi.filePath() );
312 return url.toString().toStdString();
313 } );
315 // Path manipulation: removes the specified number of directory components from the current url path
316 env.add_callback( "path_chomp", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
317 QUrl url { QString::fromStdString( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string>() ) };
318 QFileInfo fi { url.path() };
319 auto suffix { fi.suffix() };
320 auto fName { fi.filePath() };
321 fName.chop( suffix.length() + 1 );
322 // Chomp last segment
323 const thread_local QRegularExpression segmentRx( R"raw(\/[^/]+$)raw" );
324 fName = fName.replace( segmentRx, QString() );
325 if ( !suffix.isEmpty() )
326 {
327 fName += '.' + suffix;
328 }
329 fi.setFile( fName );
330 url.setPath( fi.filePath() );
331 return url.toString().toStdString();
332 } );
334 // Returns filtered links from a link list
335 // links_filter( <links>, <key>, <value> )
336 env.add_callback( "links_filter", 3, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
337 json links = args.at( 0 )->get<json>();
338 if ( !links.is_array() )
339 {
340 links = json::array();
341 }
342 std::string key { args.at( 1 )->get<std::string>() };
343 std::string value { args.at( 2 )->get<std::string>() };
344 json result = json::array();
345 for ( const auto &l : links )
346 {
347 if ( l[key] == value )
348 {
349 result.push_back( l );
350 }
351 }
352 return result;
353 } );
355 // Returns a short name from content types
356 env.add_callback( "content_type_name", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
357 const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType ct { QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeFromExtension( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string>() ) };
359 } );
361 // Replace newlines with <br>
362 env.add_callback( "nl2br", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
363 QString text { QString::fromStdString( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string>() ) };
364 return text.replace( '\n', QLatin1String( "<br>" ) ).toStdString();
365 } );
368 // Returns a list of parameter component data from components -> parameters by ref name
369 // parameter( <ref object> )
370 env.add_callback( "component_parameter", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
371 json ret = json::array();
372 json ref = args.at( 0 )->get<json>();
373 if ( !ref.is_object() )
374 {
375 return ret;
376 }
377 try
378 {
379 QString name = QString::fromStdString( ref["$ref"] );
380 name = name.split( '/' ).last();
381 ret.push_back( data["components"]["parameters"][name.toStdString()] );
382 }
383 catch ( std::exception & )
384 {
385 // Do nothing
386 }
387 return ret;
388 } );
391 // Static: returns the full URL to the specified static <path>
392 env.add_callback( "static", 1, [=]( Arguments &args ) {
393 auto asset( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string>() );
394 QString matchedPath { context.matchedPath() };
395 // If its the root path '/' strip it!
396 if ( matchedPath == '/' )
397 {
398 matchedPath.clear();
399 }
400 return matchedPath.toStdString() + "/static/" + asset;
401 } );
404 // Returns true if a string begins with the provided string prefix, false otherwise
405 env.add_callback( "starts_with", 2, []( Arguments &args ) {
406 return string_view::starts_with( args.at( 0 )->get<std::string_view>(), args.at( 1 )->get<std::string_view>() );
407 } );
409 context.response()->write( env.render_file( pathInfo.fileName().toStdString(), data ) );
410 }
411 catch ( std::exception &e )
412 {
413 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "Error parsing template file: %1 - %2" ).arg( path, e.what() ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
414 throw QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Error parsing template file: %1" ).arg( e.what() ) );
415 }
420 // Fallback to default
422 bool found { false };
423 // First file extension ...
424 const QString extension { QFileInfo( request->url().path() ).suffix().toUpper() };
425 if ( !extension.isEmpty() )
426 {
427 static QMetaEnum metaEnum { QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType>() };
428 bool ok { false };
429 const int ct { metaEnum.keyToValue( extension.toLocal8Bit().constData(), &ok ) };
430 if ( ok )
431 {
432 result = static_cast<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType>( ct );
433 found = true;
434 }
435 else
436 {
437 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "The client requested an unsupported extension: %1" ).arg( extension ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
438 }
439 }
440 // ... then "Accept"
441 const QString accept { request->header( QStringLiteral( "Accept" ) ) };
442 if ( !found && !accept.isEmpty() )
443 {
444 const QString ctFromAccept { contentTypeForAccept( accept ) };
445 if ( !ctFromAccept.isEmpty() )
446 {
447 const auto constContentTypes( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeMimes() );
448 auto it = constContentTypes.constBegin();
449 while ( !found && it != constContentTypes.constEnd() )
450 {
451 int idx = it.value().indexOf( ctFromAccept );
452 if ( idx >= 0 )
453 {
454 found = true;
455 result = it.key();
456 }
457 it++;
458 }
459 }
460 else
461 {
462 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "The client requested an unsupported content type in Accept header: %1" ).arg( accept ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
463 }
464 }
465 // Validation: check if the requested content type (or an alias) is supported by the handler
466 if ( !contentTypes().contains( result ) )
467 {
468 // Check aliases
469 bool found { false };
470 if ( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeAliases().contains( result ) )
471 {
472 const QList<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType> constCt { contentTypes() };
473 for ( const auto &ct : constCt )
474 {
475 if ( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeAliases()[result].contains( ct ) )
476 {
477 result = ct;
478 found = true;
479 break;
480 }
481 }
482 }
484 if ( !found )
485 {
486 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "Unsupported Content-Type: %1" ).arg( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeToString( result ) ), QStringLiteral( "Server" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
487 throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "Unsupported Content-Type: %1" ).arg( QgsServerOgcApi::contentTypeToString( result ) ) );
488 }
489 }
490 return result;
493QString QgsServerOgcApiHandler::parentLink( const QUrl &url, int levels )
495 QString path { url.path() };
496 const QFileInfo fi { path };
497 const QString suffix { fi.suffix() };
498 if ( !suffix.isEmpty() )
499 {
500 path.chop( suffix.length() + 1 );
501 }
502 while ( path.endsWith( '/' ) )
503 {
504 path.chop( 1 );
505 }
506 const thread_local QRegularExpression re( R"raw(\/[^/]+$)raw" );
507 for ( int i = 0; i < levels; i++ )
508 {
509 path = path.replace( re, QString() );
510 }
511 QUrl result( url );
512 QUrlQuery query( result );
513 QList<QPair<QString, QString>> qi;
514 const auto constItems { query.queryItems() };
515 for ( const auto &i : constItems )
516 {
517 if ( i.first.compare( QStringLiteral( "MAP" ), Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
518 {
519 qi.push_back( i );
520 }
521 }
522 // Make sure the parent link ends with a slash
523 if ( !path.endsWith( '/' ) )
524 {
525 path.append( '/' );
526 }
527 QUrlQuery resultQuery;
528 resultQuery.setQueryItems( qi );
529 result.setQuery( resultQuery );
530 result.setPath( path );
531 return result.toString();
536 const auto mapLayers { context.project()->mapLayersByShortName<QgsVectorLayer *>( collectionId ) };
537 if ( mapLayers.count() != 1 )
538 {
539 throw QgsServerApiNotFoundError( QStringLiteral( "Collection with given id (%1) was not found or multiple matches were found" ).arg( collectionId ) );
540 }
541 return mapLayers.first();
546 static json defRes = {
547 { "description", "An error occurred." },
548 { "content", { { "application/json", { { "schema", { { "$ref", "#/components/schemas/exception" } } } } }, { "text/html", { { "schema", { { "type", "string" } } } } } }
549 }
550 };
551 return defRes;
559void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::setContentTypesInt( const QList<int> &contentTypes )
561 mContentTypes.clear();
562 for ( const int &i : std::as_const( contentTypes ) )
563 {
564 mContentTypes.push_back( static_cast<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType>( i ) );
565 }
568void QgsServerOgcApiHandler::setContentTypes( const QList<QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType> &contentTypes )
570 mContentTypes = contentTypes;
@ Warning
Warning message.
Definition qgis.h:156
@ Critical
Critical/error message.
Definition qgis.h:157
@ Info
Information message.
Definition qgis.h:155
static json jsonFromVariant(const QVariant &v)
Converts a QVariant v to a json object.
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, bool notifyUser=true, const char *file=__builtin_FILE(), const char *function=__builtin_FUNCTION(), int line=__builtin_LINE())
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
QList< QgsMapLayer * > mapLayersByShortName(const QString &shortName) const
Retrieves a list of matching registered layers by layer shortName.
Bad request error API exception.
The QgsServerApiContext class encapsulates the resources for a particular client request: the request...
const QgsProject * project() const
Returns the (possibly NULL) project.
QgsServerResponse * response() const
Returns the server response object.
QString handlerPath() const
Returns the handler component of the URL path, i.e.
const QgsServerRequest * request() const
Returns the server request object.
QgsServerInterface * serverInterface() const
Returns the server interface.
QString apiRootPath() const
Returns the API root path.
const QString matchedPath() const
Returns the initial part of the incoming request URL path that matches the API root path.
configuration error on the server prevents to serve the request, which would be valid otherwise.
Internal server error API exception.
Not found error API exception.
this method is not yet implemented
virtual QgsServerSettings * serverSettings()=0
Returns the server settings.
std::string href(const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QString &extraPath=QString(), const QString &extension=QString()) const
Returns an URL to self, to be used for links to the current resources and as a base for constructing ...
virtual const QString templatePath(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns the HTML template path for the handler in the given context.
virtual const QString staticPath(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns the absolute path to the base directory where static resources for this handler are stored in...
virtual QVariantMap values(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Analyzes the incoming request context and returns the validated parameter map, throws QgsServerApiBad...
json jsonTags() const
Returns tags as JSON.
void htmlDump(const json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Writes data as HTML to the response stream in context using a template.
virtual QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType defaultContentType() const
Returns the default response content type in case the client did not specifically ask for any particu...
QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType contentTypeFromRequest(const QgsServerRequest *request) const
Returns the content type from the request.
virtual QgsServerOgcApi::Rel linkType() const =0
Main role for the resource link.
virtual json schema(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns handler information from the context for the OPENAPI description (id, description and other m...
virtual QStringList tags() const
void setContentTypes(const QList< QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType > &contentTypes)
Set the content types to contentTypes.
void write(json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context, const json &htmlMetadata=nullptr) const
Writes data to the context response stream, content-type is calculated from the context request,...
QList< QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType > contentTypes() const
Returns the list of content types this handler can serve, default to JSON and HTML.
virtual std::string linkTitle() const =0
Title for the handler link.
virtual QList< QgsServerQueryStringParameter > parameters(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns a list of query string parameters.
virtual std::string operationId() const =0
Returns the operation id for template file names and other internal references.
static json defaultResponse()
Returns the defaultResponse as JSON.
void jsonDump(json &data, const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QString &contentType=QStringLiteral("application/json")) const
Writes data to the context response stream as JSON (indented if debug is active), an optional content...
QgsVectorLayer * layerFromContext(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns a vector layer instance from the "collectionId" parameter of the path in the given context,...
QString contentTypeForAccept(const QString &accept) const
Looks for the first ContentType match in the accept header and returns its mime type,...
virtual void handleRequest(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Handles the request within its context.
json link(const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QgsServerOgcApi::Rel &linkType=QgsServerOgcApi::Rel::self, const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType contentType=QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType::JSON, const std::string &title="") const
Builds and returns a link to the resource.
json links(const QgsServerApiContext &context) const
Returns all the links for the given request context.
static QString parentLink(const QUrl &url, int levels=1)
Returns a link to the parent page up to levels in the HTML hierarchy from the given url,...
virtual QRegularExpression path() const =0
URL pattern for this handler, named capture group are automatically extracted and returned by values(...
void setContentTypesInt(const QList< int > &contentTypes)
Set the content types to contentTypes.
static QgsVectorLayer * layerFromCollectionId(const QgsServerApiContext &context, const QString &collectionId)
Returns a vector layer from the collectionId in the given context.
static QUrl sanitizeUrl(const QUrl &url)
Returns a sanitized url with extra slashes removed and the path URL component that always starts with...
static QString contentTypeToExtension(const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType &ct)
Returns the file extension for a ct (Content-Type).
static const QMap< QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType, QStringList > contentTypeMimes()
Returns a map of contentType => list of mime types.
Media types used for content negotiation, insert more specific first.
static QString contentTypeToString(const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType &ct)
Returns the string representation of a ct (Content-Type) attribute.
Rel link types.
@ alternate
Refers to a substitute for this context.
@ self
Conveys an identifier for the link’s context.
static std::string contentTypeToStdString(const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType &ct)
Returns the string representation of a ct (Content-Type) attribute.
static std::string mimeType(const QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType &contentType)
Returns the mime-type for the contentType or an empty string if not found.
static std::string relToString(const QgsServerOgcApi::Rel &rel)
Returns the string representation of rel attribute.
static const QHash< QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType, QList< QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType > > contentTypeAliases()
Returns contentType specializations (e.g.
static QgsServerOgcApi::ContentType contentTypeFromExtension(const std::string &extension)
Returns the Content-Type value corresponding to extension.
QgsServerRequest Class defining request interface passed to services QgsService::executeRequest() met...
virtual QString header(const QString &name) const
Returns the header value.
virtual void write(const QString &data)
Write string This is a convenient method that will write directly to the underlying I/O device.
virtual void setHeader(const QString &key, const QString &value)=0
Set Header entry Add Header entry to the response Note that it is usually an error to set Header afte...
virtual void setStatusCode(int code)=0
Set the http status code.
QString apiResourcesDirectory() const
Returns the server-wide base directory where HTML templates and static assets (e.g.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.