20#include "moc_qgsserversettings.cpp"
32void QgsServerSettings::initSettings()
38 mSettings[sOptPath.envVar] = sOptPath;
42 mSettings[sParRend.envVar] = sParRend;
46 mSettings[sMaxThreads.envVar] = sMaxThreads;
50 mSettings[sLogLevel.envVar] = sLogLevel;
54 mSettings[sLogFile.envVar] = sLogFile;
58 mSettings[sLogStderr.envVar] = sLogStderr;
62 mSettings[sProject.envVar] = sProject;
66 mSettings[sCacheDir.envVar] = sCacheDir;
70 mSettings[sCacheSize.envVar] = sCacheSize;
74 mSettings[sOverrideSystemLocale.envVar] = sOverrideSystemLocale;
78 mSettings[sIgnoreBadLayers.envVar] = sIgnoreBadLayers;
82 mSettings[sTrustLayerMetadata.envVar] = sTrustLayerMetadata;
87 mSettings[sForceReadOnlyLayers.envVar] = sForceReadOnlyLayers;
91 mSettings[sDontLoadLayouts.envVar] = sDontLoadLayouts;
95 mSettings[sShowGroupSeparator.envVar] = sShowGroupSeparator;
99 mSettings[sMaxHeight.envVar] = sMaxHeight;
103 mSettings[sMaxWidth.envVar] = sMaxWidth;
108 mSettings[sApiResourcesDirectory.envVar] = sApiResourcesDirectory;
113 mSettings[sApiWfs3MaxLimit.envVar] = sApiWfs3MaxLimit;
118 mSettings[sProjectsDirectories.envVar] = sProjectsDirectories;
123 mSettings[sProjectsPgConnections.envVar] = sProjectsPgConnections;
128 mSettings[sLandingPageBaseUrlPrefix.envVar] = sLandingPageBaseUrlPrefix;
133 mSettings[sLogProfile.envVar] = sLogProfile;
137 mSettings[sServiceUrl.envVar] = sServiceUrl;
141 mSettings[sServiceUrl.envVar] = sWmsServiceUrl;
145 mSettings[sServiceUrl.envVar] = sWfsServiceUrl;
149 mSettings[sServiceUrl.envVar] = sWfsServiceUrl;
153 mSettings[sServiceUrl.envVar] = sWmtsServiceUrl;
157 mSettings[sConfigCacheCheckInterval.envVar] = sConfigCacheCheckInterval;
161 mSettings[sProjectCacheStrategy.envVar] = sProjectCacheStrategy;
164 mSettings[sAllowedExtraSqlTokens.envVar] = sAllowedExtraSqlTokens;
167 mSettings[sApplicationName.envVar] = sApplicationName;
170 mSettings[sCapabilitiesCacheSize.envVar] = sCapabilitiesCacheSize;
180 QMap<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar, QString> env = getEnv();
192 const QMetaEnum metaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar>() );
193 const int value = metaEnum.keyToValue( envVarName.toStdString().c_str() );
197 const QString envValue( getenv( envVarName.toStdString().c_str() ) );
205QMap<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar, QString> QgsServerSettings::getEnv()
207 QMap<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar, QString> env;
209 const QMetaEnum metaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar>() );
210 for (
int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++ )
222 const QString envValue( getenv(
name( envVar ).toStdString().c_str() ) );
224 if ( !envValue.isEmpty() )
230 return mSettings[envVar].defaultVal;
234 return mSettings[envVar].val;
238void QgsServerSettings::loadQSettings(
const QString &envOptPath )
240 if ( !envOptPath.isEmpty() )
242 QSettings::setDefaultFormat( QSettings::IniFormat );
243 QSettings::setPath( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, envOptPath );
247void QgsServerSettings::prioritize(
const QMap<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar, QString> &env )
249 const auto constKeys( env.keys() );
252 Setting s = mSettings[e];
255 if ( !env.value( e ).isEmpty() )
257 varValue.setValue( env.value( e ) );
265 else if ( !s.iniKey.isEmpty() && QSettings().contains( s.iniKey ) && QSettings().value( s.iniKey ).canConvert( s.type ) )
267 s.val = QSettings().value( s.iniKey );
278 if ( s.type == QMetaType::Type::QString && s.val.toString().isEmpty() )
290 const QMetaEnum metaEnumEnv( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar>() );
291 return metaEnumEnv.valueToKey( env );
296 const QMetaEnum metaEnumSrc( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsServerSettingsEnv::Source>() );
299 for (
const Setting &s : std::as_const( mSettings ) )
301 const QString src = metaEnumSrc.valueToKey( s.src );
302 const QString var =
name( s.envVar );
304 const QString msg =
" - " + var +
" / '" + s.iniKey +
"' (" + s.descr +
"): '" + value( s.envVar ).toString() +
"' (read from " + src +
310 const QString msg =
"Ini file used to initialize settings: " +
318 return QSettings().fileName();
434 if ( service.compare( QLatin1String(
"WMS" ) ) )
438 else if ( service.compare( QLatin1String(
"WFS" ) ) )
442 else if ( service.compare( QLatin1String(
"WCS" ) ) )
446 else if ( service.compare( QLatin1String(
"WMTS" ) ) )
451 if ( result.isEmpty() )
467 if ( result.compare( QLatin1String(
"filesystem" ) ) && result.compare( QLatin1String(
"periodic" ) ) && result.compare( QLatin1String(
"off" ) ) )
470 result = QStringLiteral(
"filesystem" );
478 if ( strVal.isEmpty() )
480 return QStringList();
482 return strVal.split(
',' );
494 if ( ok && size >= 1 )
Level for messages This will be used both for message log and message bar in application.
@ Warning
Warning message.
@ Info
Information message.
static QString pkgDataPath()
Returns the common root path of all application data directories.
static QString applicationFullName()
Returns the QGIS application full name.
static QString qgisSettingsDirPath()
Returns the path to the settings directory in user's home dir.
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, bool notifyUser=true, const char *file=__builtin_FILE(), const char *function=__builtin_FUNCTION(), int line=__builtin_LINE())
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
Environment variables to configure the server.
To set the WCS service URL if it's not present in the project.
To set the WMTS service URL if it's not present in the project.
Do not consider the whole project unavailable if it contains bad layers.
Adds these tokens to the list of allowed tokens that the services accept when filtering features.
Define the QGIS Server capabilities cache size.
Prefix of the path component of the landing page base URL, default is empty.
Trust layer metadata. Improves project read time.
To set the WFS service URL if it's not present in the project.
Override system locale.
PostgreSQL connection strings used by the landing page service to find projects.
Maximum value for "limit" in a features request, defaults to 10000.
Base directory where HTML templates and static assets (e.g. images, js and css files) are searched fo...
Maximum width for a WMS request. The most conservative between this and the project one is used.
Force to open layers in read-only mode.
Set the project cache strategy. Possible values are 'filesystem', 'periodic' or 'off'.
Define the QGIS Server application name.
Maximum height for a WMS request. The most conservative between this and the project one is used.
To set the WMS service URL if it's not present in the project.
Disabled WMS GetPrint request and don't load layouts. Improves project read time.
Set the interval in milliseconds for cache invalidation strategy 'interval', default to 0 which selec...
Show group (thousands) separator when formatting numeric values, defaults to false.
Directories used by the landing page service to find .qgs and .qgz projects.
When QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL is 0 this flag adds to the logs detailed information about the time taken ...
To set the service URL if it's not present in the project.
QString serviceUrl(const QString &service) const
Returns the service URL from the setting.
QString cacheDirectory() const
Returns the cache directory.
bool getPrintDisabled() const
Returns true if WMS GetPrint request is disabled and the project's reading flag QgsProject::ReadFlag:...
QString landingPageProjectsPgConnections() const
Returns the PostgreSQL connection strings used by the landing page service to find projects.
int maxThreads() const
Returns the maximum number of threads to use.
bool logStderr() const
Returns whether logging to stderr is activated.
QString projectFile() const
Returns the QGS project file to use.
QString apiResourcesDirectory() const
Returns the server-wide base directory where HTML templates and static assets (e.g.
int projectCacheCheckInterval() const
Returns the config cache check interval (in ms) for the 'periodic' strategy.
Qgis::MessageLevel logLevel() const
Returns the log level.
bool logProfile() const
Returns true if profile information has to be added to the logs, default value is false.
QStringList allowedExtraSqlTokens() const
Returns the list of strings that represent the allowed extra SQL tokens accepted as components of a f...
bool forceReadOnlyLayers() const
Returns true if the reading flag force layer read only is activated.
int wmsMaxWidth() const
Returns the server-wide max width of a WMS GetMap request.
int capabilitiesCacheSize() const
Returns the maximum number of project capabilities to cache.
static QString name(QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar env)
Returns the string representation of a setting.
QString landingPageBaseUrlPrefix() const
Returns the landing page base URL regular expression, defaults to /.
void logSummary() const
Log a summary of settings currently loaded.
QString logFile() const
Returns the log file.
qlonglong apiWfs3MaxLimit() const
Returns the server-wide maximum allowed value for "limit" in a features request.
int wmsMaxHeight() const
Returns the server-wide max height of a WMS GetMap request.
QString landingPageProjectsDirectories() const
Returns the directories used by the landing page service to find .qgs and .qgz projects.
bool parallelRendering() const
Returns parallel rendering setting.
QString applicationName() const
Returns the QGIS Server application name.
bool showGroupSeparator() const
Show group (thousand) separator.
bool ignoreBadLayers() const
Returns true if the bad layers are ignored and false when the presence of a bad layers invalidates th...
QString iniFile() const
Returns the ini file loaded by QSetting.
QString projectCacheStrategy() const
Returns the project's cache strategy The default value is 'filesystem', the value can be changed by s...
QString overrideSystemLocale() const
Overrides system locale.
bool trustLayerMetadata() const
Returns true if the reading flag trust layer metadata is activated.
void load()
Load settings according to current environment variables.
qint64 cacheSize() const
Returns the cache size.
static bool isNull(const QVariant &variant, bool silenceNullWarnings=false)
Returns true if the specified variant should be considered a NULL value.