19#include "moc_qgsrasterlayertemporalpropertieswidget.cpp"
43 mFixedRangeLowerExpression = QStringLiteral(
"make_datetime(%1,1,1,0,0,0) + make_interval(days:=@band)" ).arg( QDate::currentDate().year() );
44 mFixedRangeUpperExpression = QStringLiteral(
"make_datetime(%1,1,1,23,59,59) + make_interval(days:=@band)" ).arg( QDate::currentDate().year() );
46 mExtraWidgetLayout =
new QVBoxLayout();
47 mExtraWidgetLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
48 mExtraWidgetLayout->addStretch();
49 mExtraWidgetContainer->setLayout( mExtraWidgetLayout );
80 mFixedRangePerBandModel =
new QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel(
this );
81 mBandRangesTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(
false );
82 mBandRangesTable->setModel( mFixedRangePerBandModel );
83 QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate *tableDelegate =
new QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate( mBandRangesTable );
84 mBandRangesTable->setItemDelegateForColumn( 1, tableDelegate );
85 mBandRangesTable->setItemDelegateForColumn( 2, tableDelegate );
87 connect( mModeComboBox, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::modeChanged );
89 connect( mTemporalGroupBox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::temporalGroupBoxChecked );
91 mStartTemporalDateTimeEdit->setDisplayFormat( QStringLiteral(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) );
92 mEndTemporalDateTimeEdit->setDisplayFormat( QStringLiteral(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) );
93 mOffsetDateTimeEdit->setDisplayFormat( QStringLiteral(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) );
95 QMenu *calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu =
new QMenu( mCalculateFixedRangePerBandButton );
96 mCalculateFixedRangePerBandButton->setMenu( calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu );
97 mCalculateFixedRangePerBandButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
98 QAction *calculateLowerAction =
new QAction(
"Calculate Beginning by Expression…", calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu );
99 calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu->addAction( calculateLowerAction );
100 connect( calculateLowerAction, &QAction::triggered,
this, [
this] {
101 calculateRangeByExpression(
false );
103 QAction *calculateUpperAction =
new QAction(
"Calculate End by Expression…", calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu );
104 calculateFixedRangePerBandMenu->addAction( calculateUpperAction );
105 connect( calculateUpperAction, &QAction::triggered,
this, [
this] {
106 calculateRangeByExpression(
true );
120 temporalProperties->
setBandNumber( mBandComboBox->currentBand() );
141 mModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mModeComboBox->findData( QVariant::fromValue( temporalProperties->
mode() ) ) );
142 switch ( temporalProperties->
mode() )
145 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageAutomatic );
148 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedRange );
151 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageRedrawOnly );
154 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedRangePerBand );
157 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageRepresentsTemporalValues );
163 mWidgetFixedRangePerBand->hide();
164 mFixedRangePerBandLabel->setText( tr(
"This mode cannot be used with a multi-band renderer." ) );
167 mBandComboBox->setLayer( mLayer );
168 mBandComboBox->setBand( temporalProperties->
bandNumber() );
173 mFixedRangePerBandModel->setLayerData( mLayer, temporalProperties->
fixedRangePerBand() );
174 mBandRangesTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::Stretch );
175 mBandRangesTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( 1, QHeaderView::Stretch );
176 mBandRangesTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( 2, QHeaderView::Stretch );
183 mTemporalGroupBox->setChecked( temporalProperties->
isActive() );
187 widget->syncToLayer( mLayer );
193 mExtraWidgets << widget;
194 mExtraWidgetLayout->insertWidget( mExtraWidgetLayout->count() - 1, widget );
197void QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::temporalGroupBoxChecked(
bool checked )
201 widget->emit dynamicTemporalControlToggled( checked );
205void QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::modeChanged()
207 if ( mModeComboBox->currentData().isValid() )
212 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageAutomatic );
215 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedRange );
218 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageRedrawOnly );
221 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedRangePerBand );
224 mStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageRepresentsTemporalValues );
230void QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::calculateRangeByExpression(
bool isUpper )
240 expressionContext.
setHighlightedVariables( { QStringLiteral(
"band" ), QStringLiteral(
"band_name" ), QStringLiteral(
"band_description" ) } );
243 dlg.
setExpectedOutputFormat( !isUpper ? tr(
"Temporal range start date / time" ) : tr(
"Temporal range end date / time" ) );
245 QList<QPair<QString, QVariant>> bandChoices;
246 for (
int band = 1; band <= mLayer->
bandCount(); ++band )
251 return createExpressionContextForBand( value.toInt() );
262 exp.prepare( &expressionContext );
263 for (
int band = 1; band <= mLayer->
bandCount(); ++band )
265 bandScope->
setVariable( QStringLiteral(
"band" ), band );
269 const QVariant res = exp.evaluate( &expressionContext );
270 mFixedRangePerBandModel->setData( mFixedRangePerBandModel->index( band - 1, isUpper ? 2 : 1 ), res, Qt::EditRole );
275QgsExpressionContext QgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidget::createExpressionContextForBand(
int band )
284 context.
setHighlightedVariables( { QStringLiteral(
"band" ), QStringLiteral(
"band_name" ), QStringLiteral(
"band_description" ) } );
294QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel( QObject *parent )
295 : QAbstractItemModel( parent )
299int QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::columnCount(
const QModelIndex & )
304int QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::rowCount(
const QModelIndex &parent )
306 if ( parent.isValid() )
311QModelIndex QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::index(
int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex &parent )
313 if ( hasIndex( row, column, parent ) )
315 return createIndex( row, column, row );
318 return QModelIndex();
321QModelIndex QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::parent(
const QModelIndex &child )
324 return QModelIndex();
327Qt::ItemFlags QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::flags(
const QModelIndex &index )
329 if ( !index.isValid() )
330 return Qt::ItemFlags();
332 if ( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= mBandCount || index.column() < 0 || index.column() >= columnCount() )
333 return Qt::ItemFlags();
335 switch ( index.column() )
338 return Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsEnabled;
341 return Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsSelectable;
346 return Qt::ItemFlags();
349QVariant QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::data(
const QModelIndex &index,
int role )
351 if ( !index.isValid() )
354 if ( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= mBandCount || index.column() < 0 || index.column() >= columnCount() )
357 const int band = index.row() + 1;
362 case Qt::DisplayRole:
364 case Qt::ToolTipRole:
366 switch ( index.column() )
369 return mBandNames.value( band, QString::number( band ) );
372 return range.
begin().isValid() ? range.
begin() : QVariant();
375 return range.
end().isValid() ? range.
end() : QVariant();
383 case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
385 switch ( index.column() )
388 return static_cast<Qt::Alignment::Int
>( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );
392 return static_cast<Qt::Alignment::Int
>( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter );
405QVariant QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::headerData(
int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role )
407 if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
414 return tr(
"Begin" );
421 return QAbstractItemModel::headerData( section, orientation, role );
424bool QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::setData(
const QModelIndex &index,
const QVariant &value,
int role )
426 if ( !index.isValid() )
429 if ( index.row() > mBandCount || index.row() < 0 )
432 const int band = index.row() + 1;
439 const QDateTime newValue = value.toDateTime();
440 if ( !newValue.isValid() )
443 switch ( index.column() )
448 emit dataChanged( index, index, QVector<int>() << role );
454 emit dataChanged( index, index, QVector<int>() << role );
470void QgsRasterBandFixedTemporalRangeModel::setLayerData(
QgsRasterLayer *layer,
const QMap<int, QgsDateTimeRange> &ranges )
478 for (
int band = 1; band <= mBandCount; ++band )
490QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate::QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate( QObject *parent )
491 : QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
495QWidget *QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate::createEditor( QWidget *parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &,
const QModelIndex & )
502void QgsFixedTemporalRangeDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex &index )
504 if (
QgsDateTimeEdit *dateTimeEdit = qobject_cast<QgsDateTimeEdit *>( editor ) )
506 model->setData( index, dateTimeEdit->dateTime() );
Temporal units.
@ Milliseconds
Raster layer temporal modes.
@ RepresentsTemporalValues
Pixel values represent an datetime.
@ RedrawLayerOnly
Redraw the layer when temporal range changes, but don't apply any filtering. Useful when raster symbo...
@ FixedRangePerBand
Layer has a fixed temporal range per band.
@ TemporalRangeFromDataProvider
Mode when raster layer delegates temporal range handling to the dataprovider.
@ FixedTemporalRange
Mode when temporal properties have fixed start and end datetimes.
@ UsesMultipleBands
The renderer utilizes multiple raster bands for color data (note that alpha bands are not considered ...
static QgsRasterRendererRegistry * rasterRendererRegistry()
Returns the application's raster renderer registry, used for managing raster layer renderers.
bool hasTemporalCapabilities() const
Returns true if the provider has temporal capabilities available.
The QgsDateTimeEdit class is a QDateTimeEdit with the capability of setting/reading null date/times.
void setAllowNull(bool allowNull)
Determines if the widget allows setting null date/time.
A generic dialog for building expression strings.
void setExpectedOutputFormat(const QString &expected)
Set the expected format string, which is shown in the dialog.
QgsExpressionBuilderWidget * expressionBuilder()
The builder widget that is used by the dialog.
Single scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext.
void addVariable(const QgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariable &variable)
Adds a variable into the context scope.
void setVariable(const QString &name, const QVariant &value, bool isStatic=false)
Convenience method for setting a variable in the context scope by name name and value.
static QList< QgsExpressionContextScope * > globalProjectLayerScopes(const QgsMapLayer *layer)
Creates a list of three scopes: global, layer's project and layer.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
void appendScope(QgsExpressionContextScope *scope)
Appends a scope to the end of the context.
void setHighlightedVariables(const QStringList &variableNames)
Sets the list of variable names within the context intended to be highlighted to the user.
void appendScopes(const QList< QgsExpressionContextScope * > &scopes)
Appends a list of scopes to the end of the context.
Class for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings").
A representation of the interval between two datetime values.
double originalDuration() const
Returns the original interval duration.
Qgis::TemporalUnit originalUnit() const
Returns the original interval temporal unit.
QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * temporalCapabilities() override
Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
virtual QString bandDescription(int bandNumber)
Returns the description for band bandNumber, or an empty string if the band is not valid or has not d...
QString displayBandName(int bandNumber) const
Generates a friendly, descriptive name for the specified bandNumber.
Implementation of map layer temporal properties for raster layers.
QDateTime temporalRepresentationOffset() const
Returns the temporal offset, which is a fixed datetime which should be added to individual pixel valu...
void setTemporalRepresentationOffset(const QDateTime &offset)
Sets the temporal offset, which is a fixed datetime which should be added to individual pixel values ...
const QgsInterval & temporalRepresentationScale() const
Returns the scale, which is an interval factor which should be applied to individual pixel values fro...
Qgis::RasterTemporalMode mode() const
Returns the temporal properties mode.
void setTemporalRepresentationScale(const QgsInterval &scale)
Sets the scale, which is an interval factor which should be applied to individual pixel values from t...
void setMode(Qgis::RasterTemporalMode mode)
Sets the temporal properties mode.
void setFixedTemporalRange(const QgsDateTimeRange &range)
Sets a temporal range to apply to the whole layer.
void setFixedRangePerBand(const QMap< int, QgsDateTimeRange > &ranges)
Sets the fixed temporal range for each band.
QMap< int, QgsDateTimeRange > fixedRangePerBand() const
Returns the fixed temporal range for each band.
int bandNumber() const
Returns the band number from which temporal values should be taken.
const QgsDateTimeRange & fixedTemporalRange() const
Returns the fixed temporal range for the layer.
void setBandNumber(int number)
Sets the band number from which temporal values should be taken.
Represents a raster layer.
int bandCount() const
Returns the number of bands in this layer.
QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties * temporalProperties() override
Returns the layer's temporal properties.
QgsRasterRenderer * renderer() const
Returns the raster's renderer.
QgsRasterDataProvider * dataProvider() override
Returns the source data provider.
Qgis::RasterRendererCapabilities rendererCapabilities(const QString &rendererName) const
Returns the capabilities for the renderer with the specified name.
virtual QString type() const
Returns a unique string representation of the renderer type.
bool isActive() const
Returns true if the temporal property is active.
void setIsActive(bool active)
Sets whether the temporal property is active.
T begin() const
Returns the beginning of the range.
T end() const
Returns the upper bound of the range.
bool includeEnd() const
Returns true if the end is inclusive, or false if the end is exclusive.
bool includeBeginning() const
Returns true if the beginning is inclusive, or false if the beginning is exclusive.
static Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(Qgis::DistanceUnit unit)
Returns a translated string representing a distance unit.
QgsTemporalRange< QDateTime > QgsDateTimeRange
QgsRange which stores a range of date times.
Single variable definition for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope.