20#include "moc_qgsrasterdataprovider.cpp"
35#define ERR(message) QgsError(message, "Raster provider")
55 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"bandNo = %1 width = %2 height = %3" ).arg( bandNo ).arg( width ).arg( height ), 4 );
58 auto block = std::make_unique< QgsRasterBlock >(
dataType( bandNo ), width, height );
66 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Couldn't create raster block" ) );
67 block->
setError( { tr(
"Couldn't create raster block." ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
69 return block.release();
77 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Extent outside provider extent" ) );
78 block->
setError( { tr(
"Extent outside provider extent." ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
81 return block.release();
84 const double xRes = boundingBox.
width() / width;
85 const double yRes = boundingBox.
height() / height;
86 double tmpXRes, tmpYRes;
87 double providerXRes = 0;
88 double providerYRes = 0;
93 tmpXRes = std::max( providerXRes, xRes );
94 tmpYRes = std::max( providerYRes, yRes );
104 if ( tmpExtent != boundingBox ||
105 tmpXRes > xRes || tmpYRes > yRes )
109 if ( !
extent().contains( boundingBox ) )
116 const int fromRow = std::round( ( boundingBox.
yMaximum() - tmpExtent.
yMaximum() ) / yRes );
117 const int toRow = std::round( ( boundingBox.
yMaximum() - tmpExtent.
yMinimum() ) / yRes ) - 1;
118 const int fromCol = std::round( ( tmpExtent.
xMinimum() - boundingBox.
xMinimum() ) / xRes );
119 const int toCol = std::round( ( tmpExtent.
xMaximum() - boundingBox.
xMinimum() ) / xRes ) - 1;
121 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"fromRow = %1 toRow = %2 fromCol = %3 toCol = %4" ).arg( fromRow ).arg( toRow ).arg( fromCol ).arg( toCol ), 4 );
123 if ( fromRow < 0 || fromRow >= height || toRow < 0 || toRow >= height ||
124 fromCol < 0 || fromCol >= width || toCol < 0 || toCol >= width )
127 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Row or column limits out of range" ) );
128 block->
setError( { tr(
"Row or column limits out of range" ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
130 return block.release();
135 if ( tmpXRes > xRes )
137 int col = std::floor( ( tmpExtent.
xMinimum() -
extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
139 col = std::ceil( ( tmpExtent.
xMaximum() -
extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
142 if ( tmpYRes > yRes )
144 int row = std::floor( (
extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.
yMaximum() ) / providerYRes );
146 row = std::ceil( (
extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.
yMinimum() ) / providerYRes );
149 const int tmpWidth = std::round( tmpExtent.
width() / tmpXRes );
150 const int tmpHeight = std::round( tmpExtent.
height() / tmpYRes );
151 tmpXRes = tmpExtent.
width() / tmpWidth;
152 tmpYRes = tmpExtent.
height() / tmpHeight;
154 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"Reading smaller block tmpWidth = %1 height = %2" ).arg( tmpWidth ).arg( tmpHeight ), 4 );
157 auto tmpBlock = std::make_unique< QgsRasterBlock >(
dataType( bandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight );
163 if ( !
readBlock( bandNo, tmpExtent, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpBlock->bits(), feedback ) )
165 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Error occurred while reading block" ) );
166 block->
setError( { tr(
"Error occurred while reading block." ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
169 return block.release();
174 const double xMin = boundingBox.
175 const double yMax = boundingBox.
176 const double tmpXMin = tmpExtent.
177 const double tmpYMax = tmpExtent.
179 for (
int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++ )
181 const double y = yMax - ( row + 0.5 ) * yRes;
182 const int tmpRow = std::floor( ( tmpYMax - y ) / tmpYRes );
184 for (
int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++ )
186 const double x = xMin + ( col + 0.5 ) * xRes;
187 const int tmpCol = std::floor( ( x - tmpXMin ) / tmpXRes );
189 if ( tmpRow < 0 || tmpRow >= tmpHeight || tmpCol < 0 || tmpCol >= tmpWidth )
191 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Source row or column limits out of range" ) );
193 block->
setError( { tr(
"Source row or column limits out of range." ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
195 return block.release();
198 const qgssize tmpIndex =
static_cast< qgssize >( tmpRow ) *
static_cast< qgssize >( tmpWidth ) + tmpCol;
199 const qgssize index = row *
static_cast< qgssize >( width ) + col;
201 const char *tmpBits = tmpBlock->
constBits( tmpIndex );
205 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Cannot get input block data tmpRow = %1 tmpCol = %2 tmpIndex = %3." ).arg( tmpRow ).arg( tmpCol ).arg( tmpIndex ) );
210 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Cannot set output block data." ) );
213 memcpy( bits, tmpBits, pixelSize );
221 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Error occurred while reading block" ) );
223 block->
setError( { tr(
"Error occurred while reading block." ), QStringLiteral(
"Raster" ) } );
225 return block.release();
233 return block.release();
277 QMap<int, QVariant> results;
285 if ( !
extent().contains( point ) )
288 for (
int bandNo = 1; bandNo <=
bandCount(); bandNo++ )
290 results.insert( bandNo, QVariant() );
309 const double xres = ( finalExtent.
width() ) / width;
310 const double yres = ( finalExtent.
height() ) / height;
312 const int col =
static_cast< int >( std::floor( ( point.
x() - finalExtent.
xMinimum() ) / xres ) );
313 const int row =
static_cast< int >( std::floor( ( finalExtent.
yMaximum() - point.
y() ) / yres ) );
315 const double xMin = finalExtent.
xMinimum() + col * xres;
316 const double xMax = xMin + xres;
317 const double yMax = finalExtent.
yMaximum() - row * yres;
318 const double yMin = yMax - yres;
319 const QgsRectangle pixelExtent( xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax );
321 for (
int bandNumber = 1; bandNumber <=
bandCount(); bandNumber++ )
323 std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterBlock > bandBlock(
block( bandNumber, pixelExtent, 1, 1 ) );
327 const double value = bandBlock->value( 0 );
328 results.insert( bandNumber, value );
332 results.insert( bandNumber, QVariant() );
339 bool *ok,
const QgsRectangle &boundingBox,
int width,
int height,
int dpi )
347 const QVariant value = res.results().value( band );
349 if ( !value.isValid() )
350 return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
355 return value.toDouble( ok );
362 return QStringLiteral(
"text/plain" );
373 setError(
QgsError( QStringLiteral(
"writeBlock() called on read-only provider." ), QStringLiteral(
"writeBlock" ) ) );
374 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"writeBlock() called on read-only provider." ) );
384 if ( methods.isEmpty() )
386 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"provider pyramidResamplingMethods returned no methods" ), 2 );
396 return std::any_of( pyramidList.constBegin(), pyramidList.constEnd(), [](
QgsRasterPyramid pyramid ) { return pyramid.getExists(); } );
410 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"set %1 band %1 no data ranges" ).arg( noData.size() ), 4 );
417 return stats.bandNumber == bandNo;
421 return histogram.bandNumber == bandNo;
431 return mTemporalCapabilities.get();
438 return mTemporalCapabilities.get();
445 return mElevationProperties.get();
452 return mElevationProperties.get();
457 const QString &format,
int nBands,
459 int width,
int height,
double *geoTransform,
461 const QStringList &createOptions )
467 height, geoTransform,
crs, createOptions );
470 QgsDebugError(
"Cannot resolve 'createRasterDataProviderFunction' function in " + providerKey +
" provider" );
484 return QStringLiteral(
"Value" );
486 return QStringLiteral(
"Text" );
488 return QStringLiteral(
"Html" );
490 return QStringLiteral(
"Feature" );
494 return QStringLiteral(
"Undefined" );
502 return tr(
"Value" );
508 return tr(
"Feature" );
512 return QStringLiteral(
"Undefined" );
517 if ( formatName == QLatin1String(
"Value" ) )
519 if ( formatName == QLatin1String(
"Text" ) )
521 if ( formatName == QLatin1String(
"Html" ) )
523 if ( formatName == QLatin1String(
"Feature" ) )
550 return QList< double >();
592 if ( mTemporalCapabilities && other.mTemporalCapabilities )
594 *mTemporalCapabilities = *other.mTemporalCapabilities;
596 if ( mElevationProperties && other.mElevationProperties )
598 *mElevationProperties = *other.mElevationProperties;
604 if ( str == QLatin1String(
"bilinear" ) )
608 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"cubic" ) )
612 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"cubicSpline" ) )
616 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"lanczos" ) )
620 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"average" ) )
624 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"mode" ) )
628 else if ( str == QLatin1String(
"gauss" ) )
639 if ( filterElem.isNull() )
644 const QDomElement resamplingElement = filterElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral(
"resampling" ) );
645 if ( !resamplingElement.isNull() )
647 setMaxOversampling( resamplingElement.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"maxOversampling" ), QStringLiteral(
"2.0" ) ).toDouble() );
648 setZoomedInResamplingMethod( resamplingMethodFromString( resamplingElement.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"zoomedInResamplingMethod" ) ) ) );
649 setZoomedOutResamplingMethod( resamplingMethodFromString( resamplingElement.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"zoomedOutResamplingMethod" ) ) ) );
659 return QStringLiteral(
"nearestNeighbour" );
661 return QStringLiteral(
"bilinear" );
663 return QStringLiteral(
"cubic" );
665 return QStringLiteral(
"cubicSpline" );
667 return QStringLiteral(
"lanczos" );
669 return QStringLiteral(
"average" );
671 return QStringLiteral(
"mode" );
673 return QStringLiteral(
"gauss" );
676 return QStringLiteral(
"nearestNeighbour" );
683 QDomElement providerElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral(
"provider" ) );
684 parentElem.appendChild( providerElement );
686 QDomElement resamplingElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral(
"resampling" ) );
687 providerElement.appendChild( resamplingElement );
689 resamplingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"enabled" ),
692 resamplingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"zoomedInResamplingMethod" ),
695 resamplingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"zoomedOutResamplingMethod" ),
698 resamplingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"maxOversampling" ),
708 return mAttributeTables.at( bandNumber ).get();
710 catch ( std::out_of_range
const & )
722 mAttributeTables[ bandNumber ] = std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterAttributeTable>(
attributeTable );
734 if ( mAttributeTables.find( bandNumber ) != std::end( mAttributeTables ) )
736 mAttributeTables.erase( bandNumber );
749 *errorMessage = QObject::tr(
"Raster has no Raster Attribute Table for band %1" ).arg( bandNumber );
763 *errorMessage = QObject::tr(
"Raster data provider has no native Raster Attribute Table support." );
770 Q_UNUSED( bandNumber )
778 auto rat = std::make_unique<QgsRasterAttributeTable>();
779 if ( rat->readFromFile( path, errorMessage ) )
794 Q_UNUSED( errorMessage );
811 return tr(
"Undefined" );
817 return tr(
"Palette" );
823 return tr(
"Green" );
829 return tr(
"Alpha" );
835 return tr(
"Saturation" );
838 return tr(
"Lightness" );
844 return tr(
"Magenta" );
847 return tr(
"Yellow" );
850 return tr(
"Black" );
853 return tr(
"YCbCr_Y" );
856 return tr(
"YCbCr_Cb" );
859 return tr(
"YCbCr_Cr" );
862 return tr(
"Continuous Palette" );
865 return tr(
"Panchromatic" );
868 return tr(
"Coastal" );
871 return tr(
"Red Edge" );
874 return tr(
"Near-InfraRed (NIR)" );
877 return tr(
"Short-Wavelength InfraRed (SWIR)" );
880 return tr(
"Mid-Wavelength InfraRed (MWIR)" );
883 return tr(
"Long-Wavelength InfraRed (LWIR)" );
886 return tr(
"Thermal InfraRed (TIR)" );
889 return tr(
"Other InfraRed" );
892 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ka band" );
895 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) K band" );
898 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ku band" );
901 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) X band" );
904 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) C band" );
907 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) S band" );
910 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) L band" );
913 return tr(
"Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) P band" );
920 QUrl url = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(
uri.toUtf8() );
921 const QUrlQuery query( url.query() );
924 if ( ! query.hasQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"crs" ) ) )
927 if ( ok ) *ok =
930 if ( ! components.
createFromString( query.queryItemValue( QStringLiteral(
"crs" ) ) ) )
933 if ( ok ) *ok =
938 if ( ! query.hasQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"extent" ) ) )
941 if ( ok ) *ok =
944 QStringList pointValuesList = query.queryItemValue( QStringLiteral(
"extent" ) ).split(
',' );
945 if ( pointValuesList.size() != 4 )
948 if ( ok ) *ok =
951 components.
extent =
QgsRectangle( pointValuesList.at( 0 ).toDouble(), pointValuesList.at( 1 ).toDouble(),
952 pointValuesList.at( 2 ).toDouble(), pointValuesList.at( 3 ).toDouble() );
954 if ( ! query.hasQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"width" ) ) )
957 if ( ok ) *ok =
961 components.
width = query.queryItemValue( QStringLiteral(
"width" ) ).toInt( & flagW );
962 if ( !flagW || components.
width < 0 )
965 if ( ok ) *ok =
969 if ( ! query.hasQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"height" ) ) )
972 if ( ok ) *ok =
976 components.
height = query.queryItemValue( QStringLiteral(
"height" ) ).toInt( & flagH );
977 if ( !flagH || components.
height < 0 )
980 if ( ok ) *ok =
984 if ( ! query.hasQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"formula" ) ) )
987 if ( ok ) *ok =
990 components.
formula = query.queryItemValue( QStringLiteral(
"formula" ) );
992 for (
const auto &item : query.queryItems() )
994 if ( !( item.first.mid( item.first.indexOf(
':' ), -1 ) == QLatin1String(
":uri" ) ) )
1000 rLayer.
name = item.first.mid( 0, item.first.indexOf(
':' ) );
1001 rLayer.
uri = query.queryItemValue( item.first );
1002 rLayer.
provider = query.queryItemValue( item.first.mid( 0, item.first.indexOf(
':' ) ) + QStringLiteral(
":provider" ) );
1004 if ( rLayer.
uri.isNull() || rLayer.
provider.isNull() )
1006 QgsDebugError(
"One or more raster information are missing" );
1007 if ( ok ) *ok =
1015 if ( ok ) *ok =
1026 query.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"crs" ), parts.
authid() );
1034 query.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"extent" ), rect );
1037 query.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"width" ), QString::number( parts.
width ) );
1039 query.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"height" ), QString::number( parts.
height ) );
1041 query.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral(
"formula" ), parts.
formula );
1047 query.addQueryItem( it.name + QStringLiteral(
":uri" ), it.uri );
1048 query.addQueryItem( it.name + QStringLiteral(
":provider" ), it.provider );
1051 uri.setQuery( query );
1052 return QString( QUrl::toPercentEncoding(
uri.toEncoded() ) );
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
QFlags< RasterProviderCapability > RasterProviderCapabilities
Raster data provider capabilities.
@ NoProviderCapabilities
Provider has no capabilities.
Resampling method for raster provider-level resampling.
@ Lanczos
Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel)
@ Nearest
Nearest-neighbour resampling.
@ Mode
Mode (selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points)
@ Bilinear
Bilinear (2x2 kernel) resampling.
@ Average
Average resampling.
@ CubicSpline
Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel)
@ Cubic
Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel) resampling.
Raster interface capabilities.
@ NoCapabilities
No capabilities.
@ Size
Original data source size (and thus resolution) is known, it is not always available,...
@ IdentifyValue
Numerical values.
@ IdentifyFeature
WMS GML -> feature.
QFlags< DataProviderReadFlag > DataProviderReadFlags
Flags which control data provider construction.
Raster data types.
Raster color interpretation.
@ NIRBand
Near-InfraRed (NIR) band [0.75 - 1.40 um].
@ GreenBand
Green band of RGBA image, or green spectral band [0.51 - 0.60 um].
@ SAR_K_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) K band [1.1 - 1.7 cm / 18 - 27 GHz].
@ SAR_L_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) L band [15 - 30 cm / 1 - 2 GHz].
@ SaturationBand
Saturation band of HLS image.
@ MagentaBand
Magenta band of CMYK image.
@ BlackBand
Black band of CMLY image.
@ AlphaBand
Alpha (0=transparent, 255=opaque)
@ SWIRBand
Short-Wavelength InfraRed (SWIR) band [1.40 - 3.00 um].
@ SAR_X_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) X band [2.4 - 3.8 cm / 8 - 12 GHz].
@ BlueBand
Blue band of RGBA image, or blue spectral band [0.45 - 0.53 um].
@ LWIRBand
Long-Wavelength InfraRed (LWIR) band [8.00 - 15 um].
@ RedEdgeBand
Red-edge band [0.69 - 0.79 um].
@ SAR_Ku_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ku band [1.7 - 2.4 cm / 12 - 18 GHz].
@ YellowBand
Yellow band of CMYK image, or yellow spectral band [0.58 - 0.62 um].
@ CyanBand
Cyan band of CMYK image.
@ SAR_C_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) C band [3.8 - 7.5 cm / 4 - 8 GHz].
@ LightnessBand
Lightness band of HLS image.
@ CoastalBand
Coastal band [0.40 - 0.45 um].
@ YCbCr_YBand
Y Luminance.
@ HueBand
Hue band of HLS image.
@ MWIRBand
Mid-Wavelength InfraRed (MWIR) band [3.00 - 8.00 um].
@ PaletteIndex
Paletted (see associated color table)
@ TIRBand
Thermal InfraRed (TIR) band (MWIR or LWIR) [3 - 15 um].
@ SAR_Ka_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ka band [0.8 - 1.1 cm / 27 - 40 GHz].
@ SAR_S_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) S band [7.5 - 15 cm / 2 - 4 GHz].
@ SAR_P_Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) P band [30 - 100 cm / 0.3 - 1 GHz].
@ RedBand
Red band of RGBA image, or red spectral band [0.62 - 0.69 um].
@ PanBand
Panchromatic band [0.40 - 1.00 um].
@ ContinuousPalette
Continuous palette, QGIS addition, GRASS.
@ OtherIRBand
Other infrared band [0.75 - 1000 um].
Raster identify formats.
@ Feature
WMS GML/JSON -> feature.
@ Value
Numerical pixel value.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this CRS is correctly initialized and usable.
bool createFromString(const QString &definition)
Set up this CRS from a string definition.
Abstract base class for spatial data provider implementations.
void setError(const QgsError &error)
Sets error message.
virtual QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() const =0
Returns the coordinate system for the data source.
QgsDataSourceUri uri() const
Gets the data source specification.
A container for error messages.
A class to represent a 2D point.
Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values.
static QgsProviderRegistry * instance(const QString &pluginPath=QString())
Means of accessing canonical single instance.
QgsRasterDataProvider * createRasterDataProvider(const QString &providerKey, const QString &uri, const QString &format, int nBands, Qgis::DataType type, int width, int height, double *geoTransform, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, const QStringList &createOptions=QStringList())
Creates new instance of raster data provider.
QList< QPair< QString, QString > > pyramidResamplingMethods(const QString &providerKey)
Returns list of raster pyramid resampling methods.
The QgsRasterAttributeTable class represents a Raster Attribute Table (RAT).
bool writeToFile(const QString &path, QString *errorMessage=nullptr)
Writes the Raster Attribute Table to a DBF file specified by path, optionally reporting any error in ...
The RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band.
Feedback object tailored for raster block reading.
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if block is empty, i.e.
void setValid(bool valid)
Mark block as valid or invalid.
int height() const
Returns the height (number of rows) of the raster block.
char * bits(int row, int column)
Returns a pointer to block data.
bool setIsNoDataExcept(QRect exceptRect)
Set the whole block to no data except specified rectangle.
const char * constBits(qgssize index) const
Returns a const pointer to block data.
void applyNoDataValues(const QgsRasterRangeList &rangeList)
void setNoDataValue(double noDataValue)
Sets cell value that will be considered as "no data".
int width() const
Returns the width (number of columns) of the raster block.
void applyScaleOffset(double scale, double offset)
Apply band scale and offset to raster block values.
static QRect subRect(const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height, const QgsRectangle &subExtent)
For extent and width, height find rectangle covered by subextent.
void setError(const QgsError &error)
Sets the last error.
bool setIsNoData(int row, int column)
Set no data on pixel.
Handles elevation related properties for a raster data provider.
Implementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsRasterDataProviders.
Base class for raster data providers.
double mMaxOversampling
Maximum boundary for oversampling (to avoid too much data traffic). Default: 2.0.
virtual bool write(const void *data, int band, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset)
Writes into the provider datasource.
QList< bool > mUseSrcNoDataValue
Use source nodata value.
Types of transformation in transformCoordinates() function.
bool writeFileBasedAttributeTable(int bandNumber, const QString &path, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) const
Writes the filesystem-based attribute table for the specified bandNumber to path, optionally reportin...
static Qgis::RasterInterfaceCapability identifyFormatToCapability(Qgis::RasterIdentifyFormat format)
Converts a raster identify format to a capability.
virtual bool sourceHasNoDataValue(int bandNo) const
Returns true if source band has no data value.
static QString encodeVirtualRasterProviderUri(const VirtualRasterParameters &parts)
Encodes the URI starting from the struct .
virtual double bandOffset(int bandNo) const
Read band offset for raster value.
virtual QString lastErrorFormat()
Returns the format of the error text for the last error in this provider.
bool mProviderResamplingEnabled
Whether provider resampling is enabled.
virtual bool writeNativeAttributeTable(QString *errorMessage=nullptr)
Writes the native attribute table, optionally reporting any error in errorMessage,...
virtual bool useSourceNoDataValue(int bandNo) const
Returns the source nodata value usage.
bool readFileBasedAttributeTable(int bandNumber, const QString &path, QString *errorMessage=nullptr)
Loads the filesystem-based attribute table for the specified bandNumber from path,...
static QgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterParameters decodeVirtualRasterProviderUri(const QString &uri, bool *ok=nullptr)
Decodes the URI returning a struct with all the parameters for QgsVirtualRasterProvider class.
virtual void setUseSourceNoDataValue(int bandNo, bool use)
Sets the source nodata value usage.
QgsRasterAttributeTable * attributeTable(int bandNumber) const
Returns the (possibly nullptr) attribute table for the specified bandNumber.
virtual bool setZoomedInResamplingMethod(Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod method)
Set resampling method to apply for zoomed-in operations.
void setAttributeTable(int bandNumber, QgsRasterAttributeTable *attributeTable)
Set the attribute table to attributeTable for the specified bandNumber, if the attributeTable is null...
virtual double sourceNoDataValue(int bandNo) const
Value representing no data value.
void readXml(const QDomElement &filterElem) override
Sets base class members from xml. Usually called from create() methods of subclasses.
QList< QgsRasterRangeList > mUserNoDataValue
List of lists of user defined additional no data values for each band, indexed from 0.
virtual bool isEditable() const
Checks whether the provider is in editing mode, i.e.
QString colorName(Qgis::RasterColorInterpretation colorInterpretation) const
Returns a string color name representation of a color interpretation.
virtual bool readNativeAttributeTable(QString *errorMessage=nullptr)
Reads the native attribute table, optionally reporting any error in errorMessage, returns true on suc...
void copyBaseSettings(const QgsRasterDataProvider &other)
Copy member variables from other raster data provider. Useful for implementation of clone() method in...
bool userNoDataValuesContains(int bandNo, double value) const
Returns true if user no data contains value.
virtual bool setZoomedOutResamplingMethod(Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod method)
Set resampling method to apply for zoomed-out operations.
Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod mZoomedInResamplingMethod
Resampling method for zoomed in pixel extraction.
bool writeBlock(QgsRasterBlock *block, int band, int xOffset=0, int yOffset=0)
Writes pixel data from a raster block into the provider data source.
virtual bool enableProviderResampling(bool enable)
Enable or disable provider-level resampling.
QgsRectangle extent() const override=0
Returns the extent of the layer.
virtual bool ignoreExtents() const
Returns true if the extents reported by the data provider are not reliable and it's possible that the...
virtual bool setMaxOversampling(double factor)
Sets maximum oversampling factor for zoomed-out operations.
Qgis::DataType dataType(int bandNo) const override=0
Returns data type for the band specified by number.
QgsRasterDataProviderElevationProperties * elevationProperties() override
Returns the provider's elevation properties.
bool hasPyramids()
Returns true if raster has at least one existing pyramid.
virtual QgsRasterIdentifyResult identify(const QgsPointXY &point, Qgis::RasterIdentifyFormat format, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox=QgsRectangle(), int width=0, int height=0, int dpi=96)
Identify raster value(s) found on the point position.
virtual double bandScale(int bandNo) const
Read band scale for raster value.
int dpi() const
Returns the dpi of the output device.
virtual Qgis::RasterColorInterpretation colorInterpretation(int bandNo) const
Returns data type for the band specified by number.
virtual double sample(const QgsPointXY &point, int band, bool *ok=nullptr, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox=QgsRectangle(), int width=0, int height=0, int dpi=96)
Samples a raster value from the specified band found at the point position.
QgsRasterBlock * block(int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback=nullptr) override
Read block of data using given extent and size.
QList< double > mSrcNoDataValue
Source no data value is available and is set to be used or internal no data is available.
virtual bool readBlock(int bandNo, int xBlock, int yBlock, void *data)
Reads a block of raster data into data.
virtual Qgis::RasterProviderCapabilities providerCapabilities() const
Returns flags containing the supported capabilities of the data provider.
QList< bool > mSrcHasNoDataValue
Source no data value exists.
void removeAttributeTable(int bandNumber)
Remove the attribute table for the specified bandNumber.
Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod mZoomedOutResamplingMethod
Resampling method for zoomed out pixel extraction.
static QgsRasterDataProvider * create(const QString &providerKey, const QString &uri, const QString &format, int nBands, Qgis::DataType type, int width, int height, double *geoTransform, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, const QStringList &createOptions=QStringList())
Creates a new dataset with mDataSourceURI.
virtual QgsRasterRangeList userNoDataValues(int bandNo) const
Returns a list of user no data value ranges.
static QList< QPair< QString, QString > > pyramidResamplingMethods(const QString &providerKey)
Returns a list of pyramid resampling method name and label pairs for given provider.
void writeXml(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parentElem) const override
Write base class members to xml.
virtual QList< double > nativeResolutions() const
Returns a list of native resolutions if available, i.e.
virtual QgsPoint transformCoordinates(const QgsPoint &point, TransformType type)
Transforms coordinates between source image coordinate space [0..width]x[0..height] and layer coordin...
static QString identifyFormatName(Qgis::RasterIdentifyFormat format)
Converts a raster identify format to a string name.
QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * temporalCapabilities() override
Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
QString colorInterpretationName(int bandNo) const override
Returns the name of the color interpretation for the specified bandNumber.
virtual QString bandDescription(int bandNumber)
Returns the description for band bandNumber, or an empty string if the band is not valid or has not d...
static Qgis::RasterIdentifyFormat identifyFormatFromName(const QString &formatName)
Converts a string formatName to a raster identify format.
static QString identifyFormatLabel(Qgis::RasterIdentifyFormat format)
Converts a raster identify format to a translated string label.
virtual void setUserNoDataValue(int bandNo, const QgsRasterRangeList &noData)
virtual QList< QgsRasterPyramid > buildPyramidList(const QList< int > &overviewList=QList< int >())
Returns the raster layers pyramid list.
The QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band.
Raster identify results container.
Base class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc.
virtual Qgis::RasterInterfaceCapabilities capabilities() const
Returns the capabilities supported by the interface.
QList< QgsRasterBandStats > mStatistics
List of cached statistics, all bands mixed.
virtual int xSize() const
Gets raster size.
virtual int bandCount() const =0
Gets number of bands.
int dataTypeSize(int bandNo) const
Returns the size (in bytes) for the data type for the specified band.
virtual int ySize() const
QList< QgsRasterHistogram > mHistograms
List of cached histograms, all bands mixed.
virtual QgsRasterHistogram histogram(int bandNo, int binCount=0, double minimum=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), double maximum=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const QgsRectangle &extent=QgsRectangle(), int sampleSize=0, bool includeOutOfRange=false, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback=nullptr)
Returns a band histogram.
This struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer.
bool contains(double value) const
Returns true if this range contains the specified value.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(int precision=16) const
Returns a string representation of form xmin,ymin : xmax,ymax Coordinates will be truncated to the sp...
void setYMinimum(double y)
Set the minimum y value.
void setXMinimum(double x)
Set the minimum x value.
void setYMaximum(double y)
Set the maximum y value.
void setXMaximum(double x)
Set the maximum x value.
QString qgsDoubleToString(double a, int precision=17)
Returns a string representation of a double.
unsigned long long qgssize
Qgssize is used instead of size_t, because size_t is stdlib type, unknown by SIP, and it would be har...
bool qgsDoubleNear(double a, double b, double epsilon=4 *std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
Compare two doubles (but allow some difference)
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
#define QgsDebugError(str)
QList< QgsRasterRange > QgsRasterRangeList
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & crs
Setting options for creating vector data providers.
Struct that stores the information about the parameters that should be given to the QgsVirtualRasterP...
QList< QgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterInputLayers > rInputLayers
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs