QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (ebb4087afc0)
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2 qgsrasterlayerrenderer.cpp
3 --------------------------------------
4 Date : December 2013
5 Copyright : (C) 2013 by Martin Dobias
6 Email : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
7 ***************************************************************************
8 * *
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12 * (at your option) any later version. *
13 * *
14 ***************************************************************************/
17#include "moc_qgsrasterlayerrenderer.cpp"
19#include "qgsmessagelog.h"
21#include "qgsrasterdrawer.h"
22#include "qgsrasteriterator.h"
23#include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
24#include "qgsrasterprojector.h"
25#include "qgsrendercontext.h"
26#include "qgsrasterrenderer.h"
27#include "qgsexception.h"
29#include "qgsmapclippingutils.h"
30#include "qgsrasterpipe.h"
31#include "qgselevationmap.h"
32#include "qgsgdalutils.h"
35#include "qgsruntimeprofiler.h"
36#include "qgsapplication.h"
38#include "qgsrasterlayerutils.h"
39#include "qgsinterval.h"
40#include "qgsunittypes.h"
41#include "qgsrasternuller.h"
43#include "qgsrasterlabeling.h"
45#include <QElapsedTimer>
46#include <QPointer>
47#include <QThread>
51QgsRasterLayerRendererFeedback::QgsRasterLayerRendererFeedback( QgsRasterLayerRenderer *r )
52 : mR( r )
53 , mMinimalPreviewInterval( 250 )
58void QgsRasterLayerRendererFeedback::onNewData()
60 if ( !renderPartialOutput() )
61 return; // we were not asked for partial renders and we may not have a temporary image for overwriting...
63 // update only once upon a time
64 // (preview itself takes some time)
65 if ( mLastPreview.isValid() && mLastPreview.msecsTo( QTime::currentTime() ) < mMinimalPreviewInterval )
66 return;
68 // TODO: update only the area that got new data
70 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "new raster preview! %1" ).arg( mLastPreview.msecsTo( QTime::currentTime() ) ), 3 );
71 QElapsedTimer t;
72 t.start();
74 feedback.setPreviewOnly( true );
75 feedback.setRenderPartialOutput( true );
76 QgsRasterIterator iterator( mR->mPipe->last() );
77 QgsRasterDrawer drawer( &iterator );
78 drawer.draw( *( mR->renderContext() ), mR->mRasterViewPort, &feedback );
79 mR->mReadyToCompose = true;
80 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "total raster preview time: %1 ms" ).arg( t.elapsed() ), 3 );
81 mLastPreview = QTime::currentTime();
87 : QgsMapLayerRenderer( layer->id(), &rendererContext )
88 , mLayerName( layer->name() )
89 , mLayerOpacity( layer->opacity() )
90 , mProviderCapabilities( layer->dataProvider()->providerCapabilities() )
91 , mInterfaceCapabilities( layer->dataProvider()->capabilities() )
92 , mFeedback( new QgsRasterLayerRendererFeedback( this ) )
93 , mEnableProfile( rendererContext.flags() & Qgis::RenderContextFlag::RecordProfile )
95 mReadyToCompose = false;
97 QElapsedTimer timer;
98 timer.start();
100 QgsMapToPixel mapToPixel = rendererContext.mapToPixel();
101 if ( rendererContext.mapToPixel().mapRotation() )
102 {
103 // unset rotation for the sake of local computations.
104 // Rotation will be handled by QPainter later
105 // TODO: provide a method of QgsMapToPixel to fetch map center
106 // in geographical units
107 const QgsPointXY center = mapToPixel.toMapCoordinates(
108 static_cast<int>( mapToPixel.mapWidth() / 2.0 ),
109 static_cast<int>( mapToPixel.mapHeight() / 2.0 )
110 );
111 mapToPixel.setMapRotation( 0, center.x(), center.y() );
112 }
114 QgsRectangle myProjectedViewExtent;
115 QgsRectangle myProjectedLayerExtent;
117 if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
118 {
119 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "coordinateTransform set -> project extents." ), 4 );
120 if ( rendererContext.extent().xMinimum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() &&
121 rendererContext.extent().yMinimum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() &&
122 rendererContext.extent().xMaximum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
123 rendererContext.extent().yMaximum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
124 {
125 // We get in this situation if the view CRS is geographical and the
126 // extent goes beyond -180,-90,180,90. To avoid reprojection issues to the
127 // layer CRS, then this dummy extent is returned by QgsMapRendererJob::reprojectToLayerExtent()
128 // Don't try to reproject it now to view extent as this would return
129 // a null rectangle.
130 myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.extent();
131 }
132 else
133 {
134 try
135 {
136 QgsCoordinateTransform ct = rendererContext.coordinateTransform();
138 myProjectedViewExtent = ct.transformBoundingBox( rendererContext.extent() );
139 }
140 catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
141 {
142 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject view extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );
143 myProjectedViewExtent.setNull();
144 }
145 }
147 try
148 {
149 QgsCoordinateTransform ct = rendererContext.coordinateTransform();
151 myProjectedLayerExtent = ct.transformBoundingBox( layer->extent() );
152 }
153 catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
154 {
155 QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject layer extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );
156 myProjectedLayerExtent.setNull();
157 }
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "coordinateTransform not set" ), 4 );
162 myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.extent();
163 myProjectedLayerExtent = layer->extent();
164 }
166 // clip raster extent to view extent
167 QgsRectangle myRasterExtent = layer->ignoreExtents() ? myProjectedViewExtent : myProjectedViewExtent.intersect( myProjectedLayerExtent );
168 if ( myRasterExtent.isEmpty() )
169 {
170 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "draw request outside view extent." ), 2 );
171 // nothing to do
172 return;
173 }
175 QgsDebugMsgLevel( "theViewExtent is " + rendererContext.extent().toString(), 4 );
176 QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedViewExtent is " + myProjectedViewExtent.toString(), 4 );
177 QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedLayerExtent is " + myProjectedLayerExtent.toString(), 4 );
178 QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myRasterExtent is " + myRasterExtent.toString(), 4 );
180 //
181 // The first thing we do is set up the QgsRasterViewPort. This struct stores all the settings
182 // relating to the size (in pixels and coordinate system units) of the raster part that is
183 // in view in the map window. It also stores the origin.
184 //
185 //this is not a class level member because every time the user pans or zooms
186 //the contents of the rasterViewPort will change
187 mRasterViewPort = new QgsRasterViewPort();
189 mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent = myRasterExtent;
190 if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
191 {
192 mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = layer->crs();
193 mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().destinationCrs();
194 mRasterViewPort->mTransformContext = rendererContext.transformContext();
195 }
196 else
197 {
198 mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
199 mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
200 }
202 // get dimensions of clipped raster image in device coordinate space (this is the size of the viewport)
203 mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMinimum(), myRasterExtent.yMaximum() );
204 mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMaximum(), myRasterExtent.yMinimum() );
206 // align to output device grid, i.e. std::floor/ceil to integers
207 // TODO: this should only be done if paint device is raster - screen, image
208 // for other devices (pdf) it can have floating point origin
209 // we could use floating point for raster devices as well, but respecting the
210 // output device grid should make it more effective as the resampling is done in
211 // the provider anyway
212 mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setX( std::floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ) );
213 mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setY( std::floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ) );
214 mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setX( std::ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ) );
215 mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setY( std::ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ) );
216 // recalc myRasterExtent to aligned values
217 myRasterExtent.set(
218 mapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x(),
219 mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ),
220 mapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x(),
221 mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() )
222 );
224 //raster viewport top left / bottom right are already rounded to int
225 mRasterViewPort->mWidth = static_cast<qgssize>( std::abs( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ) );
226 mRasterViewPort->mHeight = static_cast<qgssize>( std::abs( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ) );
228 double dpi = 25.4 * rendererContext.scaleFactor();
229 if ( mProviderCapabilities & Qgis::RasterProviderCapability::DpiDependentData
230 && rendererContext.dpiTarget() >= 0.0 )
231 {
232 const double dpiScaleFactor = rendererContext.dpiTarget() / dpi;
233 mRasterViewPort->mWidth *= dpiScaleFactor;
234 mRasterViewPort->mHeight *= dpiScaleFactor;
235 dpi = rendererContext.dpiTarget();
236 }
237 else
238 {
239 rendererContext.setDpiTarget( -1.0 );
240 }
242 //the drawable area can start to get very very large when you get down displaying 2x2 or smaller, this is because
243 //mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() is less then 1,
244 //so we will just get the pixel data and then render these special cases differently in paintImageToCanvas()
246 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mapUnitsPerPixel = %1" ).arg( mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() ), 3 );
247 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( layer->width() ), 3 );
248 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( layer->height() ), 3 );
249 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "myRasterExtent.xMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMinimum() ), 3 );
250 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "myRasterExtent.xMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMaximum() ), 3 );
251 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "myRasterExtent.yMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMinimum() ), 3 );
252 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "myRasterExtent.yMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMaximum() ), 3 );
254 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mTopLeftPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ), 3 );
255 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mBottomRightPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ), 3 );
256 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mTopLeftPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ), 3 );
257 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mBottomRightPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ), 3 );
259 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mWidth ), 3 );
260 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mHeight ), 3 );
262 // /\/\/\ - added to handle zoomed-in rasters
264 // TODO R->mLastViewPort = *mRasterViewPort;
266 // TODO: is it necessary? Probably WMS only?
267 layer->dataProvider()->setDpi( std::floor( dpi * rendererContext.devicePixelRatio() ) );
269 // copy the whole raster pipe!
270 mPipe.reset( new QgsRasterPipe( *layer->pipe() ) );
272 QObject::connect( mPipe->provider(), &QgsRasterDataProvider::statusChanged, layer, &QgsRasterLayer::statusChanged );
273 QgsRasterRenderer *rasterRenderer = mPipe->renderer();
274 if ( rasterRenderer
275 && !( rendererContext.flags() & Qgis::RenderContextFlag::RenderPreviewJob )
276 && !( rendererContext.flags() & Qgis::RenderContextFlag::Render3DMap ) )
277 {
278 if ( rasterRenderer->needsRefresh( rendererContext.extent() ) )
279 {
280 QList<double> minValues;
281 QList<double> maxValues;
282 const QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin &minMaxOrigin = rasterRenderer->minMaxOrigin();
283 for ( const int bandIdx : rasterRenderer->usesBands() )
284 {
285 double min;
286 double max;
287 layer->computeMinMax( bandIdx, minMaxOrigin, minMaxOrigin.limits(),
288 rendererContext.extent(), static_cast<int>( QgsRasterLayer::SAMPLE_SIZE ),
289 min, max );
290 minValues.append( min );
291 maxValues.append( max );
292 }
294 rasterRenderer->refresh( rendererContext.extent(), minValues, maxValues );
295 QgsRenderedLayerStatistics *layerStatistics = new QgsRenderedLayerStatistics( layer->id(), minValues, maxValues );
296 layerStatistics->setBoundingBox( rendererContext.extent() );
297 appendRenderedItemDetails( layerStatistics );
298 }
299 }
301 mPipe->evaluateDataDefinedProperties( rendererContext.expressionContext() );
303 const QgsRasterLayerTemporalProperties *temporalProperties = qobject_cast< const QgsRasterLayerTemporalProperties * >( layer->temporalProperties() );
304 const QgsRasterLayerElevationProperties *elevationProperties = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayerElevationProperties *>( layer->elevationProperties() );
306 if ( ( temporalProperties->isActive() && renderContext()->isTemporal() )
307 || ( elevationProperties->hasElevation() && !renderContext()->zRange().isInfinite() ) )
308 {
309 // temporal and/or elevation band filtering may be applicable
310 bool matched = false;
312 layer,
313 rendererContext.temporalRange(),
314 rendererContext.zRange(),
315 matched
316 );
317 if ( matched && matchedBand > 0 )
318 {
319 mPipe->renderer()->setInputBand( matchedBand );
320 }
321 }
323 if ( temporalProperties->isActive() && renderContext()->isTemporal() )
324 {
325 switch ( temporalProperties->mode() )
326 {
330 break;
333 if ( mPipe->renderer()->usesBands().contains( temporalProperties->bandNumber() ) )
334 {
335 // if layer has elevation settings and we are only rendering a temporal range => we need to filter pixels by temporal values
336 std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterTransparency > transparency;
337 if ( const QgsRasterTransparency *rendererTransparency = mPipe->renderer()->rasterTransparency() )
338 transparency = std::make_unique< QgsRasterTransparency >( *rendererTransparency );
339 else
340 transparency = std::make_unique< QgsRasterTransparency >();
342 QVector<QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel> transparentPixels = transparency->transparentSingleValuePixelList();
344 const QDateTime &offset = temporalProperties->temporalRepresentationOffset();
345 const QgsInterval &scale = temporalProperties->temporalRepresentationScale();
346 const double adjustedLower = static_cast< double >( offset.msecsTo( rendererContext.temporalRange().begin() ) ) * QgsUnitTypes::fromUnitToUnitFactor( Qgis::TemporalUnit::Milliseconds, scale.originalUnit() ) / scale.originalDuration();
347 const double adjustedUpper = static_cast< double >( offset.msecsTo( rendererContext.temporalRange().end() ) ) * QgsUnitTypes::fromUnitToUnitFactor( Qgis::TemporalUnit::Milliseconds, scale.originalUnit() ) / scale.originalDuration();
348 transparentPixels.append( QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel( std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), adjustedLower, 0, true, !rendererContext.zRange().includeLower() ) );
349 transparentPixels.append( QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel( adjustedUpper, std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 0, !rendererContext.zRange().includeUpper(), true ) );
351 transparency->setTransparentSingleValuePixelList( transparentPixels );
352 mPipe->renderer()->setRasterTransparency( transparency.release() );
353 }
354 break;
357 // in this mode we need to pass on the desired render temporal range to the data provider
358 if ( QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities *temporalCapabilities = mPipe->provider()->temporalCapabilities() )
359 {
360 temporalCapabilities->setRequestedTemporalRange( rendererContext.temporalRange() );
361 temporalCapabilities->setIntervalHandlingMethod( temporalProperties->intervalHandlingMethod() );
362 }
363 break;
364 }
365 }
366 else if ( QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities *temporalCapabilities = mPipe->provider()->temporalCapabilities() )
367 {
368 temporalCapabilities->setRequestedTemporalRange( QgsDateTimeRange() );
369 temporalCapabilities->setIntervalHandlingMethod( temporalProperties->intervalHandlingMethod() );
370 }
374 if ( elevationProperties && elevationProperties->hasElevation() )
375 {
376 mDrawElevationMap = true;
377 mElevationScale = elevationProperties->zScale();
378 mElevationOffset = elevationProperties->zOffset();
379 mElevationBand = elevationProperties->bandNumber();
381 if ( !rendererContext.zRange().isInfinite() )
382 {
383 // NOLINTBEGIN(bugprone-branch-clone)
384 switch ( elevationProperties->mode() )
385 {
387 // don't need to handle anything here -- the layer renderer will never be created if the
388 // render context range doesn't match the layer's fixed elevation range
389 break;
393 // temporal/elevation band based filtering was already handled earlier in this method
394 break;
397 {
398 if ( mPipe->renderer()->usesBands().contains( mElevationBand ) )
399 {
400 // if layer has elevation settings and we are only rendering a slice of z values => we need to filter pixels by elevation
401 if ( mPipe->renderer()->flags() & Qgis::RasterRendererFlag::UseNoDataForOutOfRangePixels )
402 {
403 std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterNuller> nuller;
404 if ( const QgsRasterNuller *existingNuller = mPipe->nuller() )
405 nuller.reset( existingNuller->clone() );
406 else
407 nuller = std::make_unique< QgsRasterNuller >();
409 // account for z offset/zscale by reversing these calculations, so that we get the z range in
410 // raw pixel values
411 QgsRasterRangeList nullRanges;
412 const double adjustedLower = ( rendererContext.zRange().lower() - mElevationOffset ) / mElevationScale;
413 const double adjustedUpper = ( rendererContext.zRange().upper() - mElevationOffset ) / mElevationScale;
414 nullRanges.append( QgsRasterRange( std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), adjustedLower, rendererContext.zRange().includeLower() ? QgsRasterRange::BoundsType::IncludeMin : QgsRasterRange::BoundsType::IncludeMinAndMax ) );
415 nullRanges.append( QgsRasterRange( adjustedUpper, std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), rendererContext.zRange().includeUpper() ? QgsRasterRange::BoundsType::IncludeMax : QgsRasterRange::BoundsType::IncludeMinAndMax ) );
416 nuller->setOutputNoDataValue( mElevationBand, static_cast< int >( adjustedLower - 1 ) );
417 nuller->setNoData( mElevationBand, nullRanges );
419 if ( !mPipe->insert( 1, nuller.release() ) )
420 {
421 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral( "Cannot set pipe nuller" ) );
422 }
423 }
424 else
425 {
426 std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterTransparency > transparency;
427 if ( const QgsRasterTransparency *rendererTransparency = mPipe->renderer()->rasterTransparency() )
428 transparency = std::make_unique< QgsRasterTransparency >( *rendererTransparency );
429 else
430 transparency = std::make_unique< QgsRasterTransparency >();
432 QVector<QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel> transparentPixels = transparency->transparentSingleValuePixelList();
434 // account for z offset/zscale by reversing these calculations, so that we get the z range in
435 // raw pixel values
436 const double adjustedLower = ( rendererContext.zRange().lower() - mElevationOffset ) / mElevationScale;
437 const double adjustedUpper = ( rendererContext.zRange().upper() - mElevationOffset ) / mElevationScale;
438 transparentPixels.append( QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel( std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), adjustedLower, 0, true, !rendererContext.zRange().includeLower() ) );
439 transparentPixels.append( QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentSingleValuePixel( adjustedUpper, std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 0, !rendererContext.zRange().includeUpper(), true ) );
441 transparency->setTransparentSingleValuePixelList( transparentPixels );
442 mPipe->renderer()->setRasterTransparency( transparency.release() );
443 }
444 }
445 break;
446 }
447 }
448 // NOLINTEND(bugprone-branch-clone)
449 }
450 }
452 prepareLabeling( layer );
454 mFeedback->setRenderContext( rendererContext );
456 mPipe->moveToThread( nullptr );
458 mPreparationTime = timer.elapsed();
463 delete mFeedback;
465 delete mRasterViewPort;
470 std::unique_ptr< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile > profile;
471 if ( mEnableProfile )
472 {
473 profile = std::make_unique< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile >( mLayerName, QStringLiteral( "rendering" ), layerId() );
474 if ( mPreparationTime > 0 )
475 QgsApplication::profiler()->record( QObject::tr( "Create renderer" ), mPreparationTime / 1000.0, QStringLiteral( "rendering" ) );
476 }
478 // Skip rendering of out of view tiles (xyz)
479 if ( !mRasterViewPort || ( renderContext()->testFlag( Qgis::RenderContextFlag::RenderPreviewJob ) &&
480 !( mInterfaceCapabilities &
482 return true;
484 mPipe->moveToThread( QThread::currentThread() );
486 QElapsedTimer time;
487 time.start();
489 std::unique_ptr< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile > preparingProfile;
490 if ( mEnableProfile )
491 {
492 preparingProfile = std::make_unique< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile >( QObject::tr( "Preparing render" ), QStringLiteral( "rendering" ) );
493 }
495 //
496 //
497 // The goal here is to make as many decisions as possible early on (outside of the rendering loop)
498 // so that we can maximise performance of the rendering process. So now we check which drawing
499 // procedure to use :
500 //
502 const QgsScopedQPainterState painterSate( renderContext()->painter() );
503 if ( !mClippingRegions.empty() )
504 {
505 bool needsPainterClipPath = false;
506 const QPainterPath path = QgsMapClippingUtils::calculatePainterClipRegion( mClippingRegions, *renderContext(), Qgis::LayerType::Raster, needsPainterClipPath );
507 if ( needsPainterClipPath )
508 renderContext()->painter()->setClipPath( path, Qt::IntersectClip );
509 }
511 QgsRasterProjector *projector = mPipe->projector();
512 bool restoreOldResamplingStage = false;
513 const Qgis::RasterResamplingStage oldResamplingState = mPipe->resamplingStage();
515 // TODO add a method to interface to get provider and get provider
516 // params in QgsRasterProjector
517 if ( projector )
518 {
519 // Force provider resampling if reprojection is needed
520 if ( ( mPipe->provider()->providerCapabilities() & Qgis::RasterProviderCapability::ProviderHintCanPerformProviderResampling ) &&
521 mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS != mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS &&
522 oldResamplingState != Qgis::RasterResamplingStage::Provider )
523 {
524 restoreOldResamplingStage = true;
525 mPipe->setResamplingStage( Qgis::RasterResamplingStage::Provider );
526 }
527 projector->setCrs( mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS, mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS, mRasterViewPort->mTransformContext );
528 }
530 // important -- disable SmoothPixmapTransform for raster layer renders. We want individual pixels to be clearly defined!
531 renderContext()->painter()->setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, false );
533 preparingProfile.reset();
534 std::unique_ptr< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile > renderingProfile;
535 if ( mEnableProfile )
536 {
537 renderingProfile = std::make_unique< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile >( QObject::tr( "Rendering" ), QStringLiteral( "rendering" ) );
538 }
540 // Drawer to pipe?
541 QgsRasterIterator iterator( mPipe->last() );
543 // Get the maximum tile size from the provider and set it as the maximum tile size for the iterator
544 if ( QgsRasterDataProvider *provider = mPipe->provider() )
545 {
546 const QSize maxTileSize {provider->maximumTileSize()};
547 iterator.setMaximumTileWidth( maxTileSize.width() );
548 iterator.setMaximumTileHeight( maxTileSize.height() );
549 }
551 QgsRasterDrawer drawer( &iterator );
552 drawer.draw( *( renderContext() ), mRasterViewPort, mFeedback );
554 if ( mDrawElevationMap )
555 drawElevationMap();
557 renderingProfile.reset();
559 if ( mLabelProvider && !renderContext()->renderingStopped() )
560 {
561 std::unique_ptr< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile > labelingProfile;
562 if ( mEnableProfile )
563 {
564 labelingProfile = std::make_unique< QgsScopedRuntimeProfile >( QObject::tr( "Labeling" ), QStringLiteral( "rendering" ) );
565 }
566 drawLabeling();
567 }
569 if ( restoreOldResamplingStage )
570 {
571 mPipe->setResamplingStage( oldResamplingState );
572 }
574 const QStringList errors = mFeedback->errors();
575 for ( const QString &error : errors )
576 {
577 mErrors.append( error );
578 }
580 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "total raster draw time (ms): %1" ).arg( time.elapsed(), 5 ), 4 );
581 mReadyToCompose = true;
583 mPipe->moveToThread( nullptr );
585 return !mFeedback->isCanceled();
590 return mFeedback;
595 if ( !mRasterViewPort || !mPipe )
596 return false; // this layer is not going to get rendered
598 // preview of intermediate raster rendering results requires a temporary output image
600 return true;
602 if ( QgsRasterRenderer *renderer = mPipe->renderer() )
603 {
605 && renderContext()->testFlag( Qgis::RenderContextFlag::UseAdvancedEffects ) && ( !qgsDoubleNear( mLayerOpacity, 1.0 ) ) )
606 return true;
607 }
609 return false;
612void QgsRasterLayerRenderer::prepareLabeling( QgsRasterLayer *layer )
614 QgsRenderContext &context = *renderContext();
616 if ( QgsLabelingEngine *engine2 = context.labelingEngine() )
617 {
618 if ( QgsAbstractRasterLayerLabeling *labeling = layer->labeling() )
619 {
620 if ( layer->labelsEnabled() && labeling->isInScaleRange( context.rendererScale() ) )
621 {
622 std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterLayerLabelProvider > provider = labeling->provider( layer );
623 if ( provider )
624 {
625 // engine takes ownership
626 mLabelProvider = provider.release();
627 mLabelProvider->startRender( context );
628 engine2->addProvider( mLabelProvider );
629 }
630 }
631 }
632 }
635void QgsRasterLayerRenderer::drawLabeling()
637 if ( mLabelProvider )
638 mLabelProvider->generateLabels( *renderContext(), mPipe.get(), mRasterViewPort, mFeedback );
641void QgsRasterLayerRenderer::drawElevationMap()
643 QgsRasterDataProvider *dataProvider = mPipe->provider();
644 if ( renderContext()->elevationMap() && dataProvider )
645 {
646 double dpiScalefactor;
648 if ( renderContext()->dpiTarget() >= 0.0 )
649 dpiScalefactor = renderContext()->dpiTarget() / ( renderContext()->scaleFactor() * 25.4 );
650 else
651 dpiScalefactor = 1.0;
653 int outputWidth = static_cast<int>( static_cast<double>( mRasterViewPort->mWidth ) / dpiScalefactor * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio() );
654 int outputHeight = static_cast<int>( static_cast<double>( mRasterViewPort->mHeight ) / dpiScalefactor * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio() );
656 QSize viewSize = renderContext()->deviceOutputSize();
657 int viewWidth = static_cast<int>( viewSize.width() / dpiScalefactor );
658 int viewHeight = static_cast<int>( viewSize.height() / dpiScalefactor );
660 bool canRenderElevation = false;
661 std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> elevationBlock;
662 if ( mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS == mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS )
663 {
664 elevationBlock.reset(
665 dataProvider->block(
666 mElevationBand,
667 mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent,
668 outputWidth,
669 outputHeight,
670 mFeedback ) );
671 canRenderElevation = true;
672 }
673 else
674 {
675 // Destinaton CRS is different from the source CRS.
676 // Using the raster projector lead to have big artifacts when rendering the elevation map.
677 // To get a smoother elevation map, we use GDAL resampling with coordinates transform
678 QgsRectangle viewExtentInLayerCoordinate = renderContext()->extent();
680 // If view extent is infinite, we use the data provider extent
681 if ( viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.xMinimum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() &&
682 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.yMinimum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() &&
683 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.xMaximum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
684 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.yMaximum() == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
685 {
686 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate = dataProvider->extent();
687 }
689 double xLayerResol = viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.width() / static_cast<double>( viewWidth );
690 double yLayerResol = viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.height() / static_cast<double>( viewHeight );
692 double overSampling = 1;
693 if ( mPipe->resampleFilter() )
694 overSampling = mPipe->resampleFilter()->maxOversampling();
697 {
698 // If the dataprovider has size capability, we calculate the requested resolution to provider
699 double providerXResol = dataProvider->extent().width() / dataProvider->xSize();
700 double providerYResol = dataProvider->extent().height() / dataProvider->ySize();
701 overSampling = ( xLayerResol / providerXResol + yLayerResol / providerYResol ) / 2;
702 }
704 GDALResampleAlg alg;
705 if ( overSampling > 1 )
707 else
710 Qgis::DataType dataType = dataProvider->dataType( mElevationBand );
712 if ( dataType != Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType ) // resampling data by GDAL is not compatible with unknown data type
713 {
714 // we need extra pixels on border to avoid effect border with resampling (at least 2 pixels band for cubic alg)
715 int sourceWidth = viewWidth + 4;
716 int sourceHeight = viewHeight + 4;
717 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate = QgsRectangle(
718 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.xMinimum() - xLayerResol * 2,
719 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.yMinimum() - yLayerResol * 2,
720 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.xMaximum() + xLayerResol * 2,
721 viewExtentInLayerCoordinate.yMaximum() + yLayerResol * 2 );
723 // Now we can do the resampling
724 std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> sourcedata( dataProvider->block( mElevationBand, viewExtentInLayerCoordinate, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, mFeedback ) );
725 gdal::dataset_unique_ptr gdalDsInput =
726 QgsGdalUtils::blockToSingleBandMemoryDataset( viewExtentInLayerCoordinate, sourcedata.get() );
729 elevationBlock.reset( new QgsRasterBlock( dataType,
730 outputWidth,
731 outputHeight ) );
733 elevationBlock->setNoDataValue( dataProvider->sourceNoDataValue( mElevationBand ) );
735 gdal::dataset_unique_ptr gdalDsOutput =
736 QgsGdalUtils::blockToSingleBandMemoryDataset( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent, elevationBlock.get() );
738 // For coordinate transformation, we try to obtain a coordinate operation string from the transform context.
739 // Depending of the CRS, if we can't we use GDAL transformation directly from the source and destination CRS
740 QString coordinateOperation;
741 const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext = renderContext()->transformContext();
742 if ( transformContext.mustReverseCoordinateOperation( mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS, mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS ) )
743 coordinateOperation = transformContext.calculateCoordinateOperation( mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS, mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS );
744 else
745 coordinateOperation = transformContext.calculateCoordinateOperation( mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS, mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS );
747 if ( coordinateOperation.isEmpty() )
748 canRenderElevation = QgsGdalUtils::resampleSingleBandRaster( gdalDsInput.get(), gdalDsOutput.get(), alg,
749 mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS, mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS );
750 else
751 canRenderElevation = QgsGdalUtils::resampleSingleBandRaster( gdalDsInput.get(), gdalDsOutput.get(), alg,
752 coordinateOperation.toUtf8().constData() );
753 }
754 }
756 if ( canRenderElevation )
757 {
758 QPoint topLeft;
759 if ( renderContext()->mapToPixel().mapRotation() != 0 )
760 {
761 // Now rendering elevation on the elevation map, we need to take care of rotation:
762 // again a resampling but this time with a geotransform.
763 const QgsMapToPixel &mtp = renderContext()->mapToPixel();
766 int elevMapWidth = elevMap->rawElevationImage().width();
767 int elevMapHeight = elevMap->rawElevationImage().height();
769 int bottom = 0;
770 int top = elevMapHeight;
771 int left = elevMapWidth;
772 int right = 0;
774 QList<QgsPointXY> corners;
775 corners << QgsPointXY( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.xMinimum(), mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.yMinimum() )
776 << QgsPointXY( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.xMaximum(), mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.yMaximum() )
777 << QgsPointXY( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.xMinimum(), mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.yMaximum() )
778 << QgsPointXY( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.xMaximum(), mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent.yMinimum() );
780 for ( const QgsPointXY &corner : std::as_const( corners ) )
781 {
782 const QgsPointXY dpt = mtp.transform( corner );
783 int x = static_cast<int>( std::round( dpt.x() ) );
784 int y = static_cast<int>( std::round( dpt.y() ) );
786 if ( x < left )
787 left = x;
788 if ( x > right )
789 right = x;
790 if ( y < top )
791 top = y;
792 if ( y > bottom )
793 bottom = y;
794 }
796 const QgsPointXY origin = mtp.toMapCoordinates( left, top );
797 double gridXSize = mtp.toMapCoordinates( right, top ).distance( origin );
798 double gridYSize = mtp.toMapCoordinates( left, bottom ).distance( origin );
799 double angleRad = renderContext()->mapToPixel().mapRotation() / 180 * M_PI;
801 gdal::dataset_unique_ptr gdalDsInput =
802 QgsGdalUtils::blockToSingleBandMemoryDataset( mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent, elevationBlock.get() );
804 std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> rotatedElevationBlock =
805 std::make_unique<QgsRasterBlock>( elevationBlock->dataType(),
806 ( right - left ) * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio() + 1,
807 ( bottom - top ) * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio() + 1 );
809 rotatedElevationBlock->setNoDataValue( elevationBlock->noDataValue() );
811 gdal::dataset_unique_ptr gdalDsOutput =
812 QgsGdalUtils::blockToSingleBandMemoryDataset( angleRad, origin, gridXSize, gridYSize, rotatedElevationBlock.get() );
815 gdalDsInput.get(),
816 gdalDsOutput.get(),
818 {
819 elevationBlock.reset( rotatedElevationBlock.release() );
820 }
822 topLeft = QPoint( left, top );
823 }
824 else
825 {
826 topLeft = mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.toQPointF().toPoint();
827 }
830 elevationBlock.get(),
831 topLeft.y() * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio(),
832 topLeft.x() * renderContext()->devicePixelRatio(),
833 mElevationScale,
834 mElevationOffset );
835 }
836 }
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
Definition qgis.h:54
Stage at which raster resampling occurs.
Definition qgis.h:1430
@ Provider
Resampling occurs in Provider.
@ ProviderHintCanPerformProviderResampling
Provider can perform resampling (to be opposed to post rendering resampling)
@ DpiDependentData
Provider's rendering is dependent on requested pixel size of the viewport.
@ InternalLayerOpacityHandling
The renderer internally handles the raster layer's opacity, so the default layer level opacity handli...
@ UseNoDataForOutOfRangePixels
Out of range pixels (eg those values outside of the rendered map's z range filter) should be set usin...
@ FixedRangePerBand
Layer has a fixed (manually specified) elevation range per band.
@ FixedElevationRange
Layer has a fixed elevation range.
@ RepresentsElevationSurface
Pixel values represent an elevation surface.
@ DynamicRangePerBand
Layer has a elevation range per band, calculated dynamically from an expression.
@ Milliseconds
@ RepresentsTemporalValues
Pixel values represent an datetime.
@ RedrawLayerOnly
Redraw the layer when temporal range changes, but don't apply any filtering. Useful when raster symbo...
@ FixedRangePerBand
Layer has a fixed temporal range per band.
@ TemporalRangeFromDataProvider
Mode when raster layer delegates temporal range handling to the dataprovider.
@ FixedTemporalRange
Mode when temporal properties have fixed start and end datetimes.
@ Prefetch
Allow prefetching of out-of-view images.
@ Size
Original data source size (and thus resolution) is known, it is not always available,...
Raster data types.
Definition qgis.h:351
@ UnknownDataType
Unknown or unspecified type.
@ Raster
Raster layer.
@ RenderPreviewJob
Render is a 'canvas preview' render, and shortcuts should be taken to ensure fast rendering.
@ RenderPartialOutput
Whether to make extra effort to update map image with partially rendered layers (better for interacti...
@ Render3DMap
Render is for a 3D map.
@ UseAdvancedEffects
Enable layer opacity and blending effects.
Abstract base class for labeling settings for raster layers.
static QgsRuntimeProfiler * profiler()
Returns the application runtime profiler.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed.
QString calculateCoordinateOperation(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &source, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destination) const
Returns the Proj coordinate operation string to use when transforming from the specified source CRS t...
bool mustReverseCoordinateOperation(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &source, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destination) const
Returns true if the coordinate operation returned by calculateCoordinateOperation() for the source to...
Class for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems.
void setBallparkTransformsAreAppropriate(bool appropriate)
Sets whether approximate "ballpark" results are appropriate for this coordinate transform.
QgsRectangle transformBoundingBox(const QgsRectangle &rectangle, Qgis::TransformDirection direction=Qgis::TransformDirection::Forward, bool handle180Crossover=false) const
Transforms a rectangle from the source CRS to the destination CRS.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the coordinate transform is valid, ie both the source and destination CRS have been s...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs() const
Returns the destination coordinate reference system, which the transform will transform coordinates t...
Custom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions.
bool isInfinite() const
Returns true if the range consists of all possible values.
Definition qgsrange.h:287
Stores digital elevation model in a raster image which may get updated as a part of map layer renderi...
QImage rawElevationImage() const
Returns raw elevation image with elevations encoded as color values.
void fillWithRasterBlock(QgsRasterBlock *block, int top, int left, double zScale=1.0, double offset=0.0)
Fills the elevation map with values contains in a raster block starting from position defined by top ...
QString what() const
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread.
Definition qgsfeedback.h:44
static bool resampleSingleBandRaster(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, GDALResampleAlg resampleAlg, const char *pszCoordinateOperation)
Resamples a single band raster to the destination dataset with different resolution (and possibly wit...
static GDALResampleAlg gdalResamplingAlgorithm(Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod method)
Returns the GDAL resampling method corresponding to the QGIS resampling method.
static gdal::dataset_unique_ptr blockToSingleBandMemoryDataset(int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, const QgsRectangle &extent, void *block, GDALDataType dataType)
Converts a data block to a single band GDAL memory dataset.
A representation of the interval between two datetime values.
Definition qgsinterval.h:46
double originalDuration() const
Returns the original interval duration.
Qgis::TemporalUnit originalUnit() const
Returns the original interval temporal unit.
The QgsLabelingEngine class provides map labeling functionality.
static QPainterPath calculatePainterClipRegion(const QList< QgsMapClippingRegion > &regions, const QgsRenderContext &context, Qgis::LayerType layerType, bool &shouldClip)
Returns a QPainterPath representing the intersection of clipping regions from context which should be...
static QList< QgsMapClippingRegion > collectClippingRegionsForLayer(const QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsMapLayer *layer)
Collects the list of map clipping regions from a context which apply to a map layer.
double zScale() const
Returns the z scale, which is a scaling factor which should be applied to z values from the layer.
double zOffset() const
Returns the z offset, which is a fixed offset amount which should be added to z values from the layer...
Base class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers.
bool mReadyToCompose
The flag must be set to false in renderer's constructor if wants to use the smarter map redraws funct...
QString layerId() const
Gets access to the ID of the layer rendered by this class.
void appendRenderedItemDetails(QgsRenderedItemDetails *details)
Appends the details of a rendered item to the renderer.
QgsRenderContext * renderContext()
Returns the render context associated with the renderer.
QStringList errors() const
Returns list of errors (problems) that happened during the rendering.
virtual QgsRectangle extent() const
Returns the extent of the layer.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs
Definition qgsmaplayer.h:83
QString id
Definition qgsmaplayer.h:79
void statusChanged(const QString &status)
Emit a signal with status (e.g. to be caught by QgisApp and display a msg on status bar)
Perform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates.
int mapHeight() const
Returns current map height in pixels.
void setMapRotation(double degrees, double cx, double cy)
Sets map rotation in degrees (clockwise).
double mapUnitsPerPixel() const
Returns the current map units per pixel.
QgsPointXY toMapCoordinates(int x, int y) const
Transforms device coordinates to map (world) coordinates.
int mapWidth() const
Returns the current map width in pixels.
QgsPointXY transform(const QgsPointXY &p) const
Transforms a point p from map (world) coordinates to device coordinates.
double mapRotation() const
Returns the current map rotation in degrees (clockwise).
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, bool notifyUser=true, const char *file=__builtin_FILE(), const char *function=__builtin_FUNCTION(), int line=__builtin_LINE())
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
A class to represent a 2D point.
Definition qgspointxy.h:60
double distance(double x, double y) const
Returns the distance between this point and a specified x, y coordinate.
Definition qgspointxy.h:206
void setY(double y)
Sets the y value of the point.
Definition qgspointxy.h:129
double y
Definition qgspointxy.h:64
double x
Definition qgspointxy.h:63
void setX(double x)
Sets the x value of the point.
Definition qgspointxy.h:119
QPointF toQPointF() const
Converts a point to a QPointF.
Definition qgspointxy.h:165
bool includeUpper() const
Returns true if the upper bound is inclusive, or false if the upper bound is exclusive.
Definition qgsrange.h:101
T lower() const
Returns the lower bound of the range.
Definition qgsrange.h:78
bool includeLower() const
Returns true if the lower bound is inclusive, or false if the lower bound is exclusive.
Definition qgsrange.h:93
T upper() const
Returns the upper bound of the range.
Definition qgsrange.h:85
Feedback object tailored for raster block reading.
void setPreviewOnly(bool preview)
set flag whether the block request is for preview purposes only
void setRenderPartialOutput(bool enable)
Set whether our painter is drawing to a temporary image used just by this layer.
Raster data container.
Implementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsRasterDataProviders.
Base class for raster data providers.
Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod zoomedInResamplingMethod() const
Returns resampling method for zoomed-in operations.
virtual double sourceNoDataValue(int bandNo) const
Value representing no data value.
void setDpi(int dpi)
Sets the output device resolution.
QgsRectangle extent() const override=0
Returns the extent of the layer.
Qgis::DataType dataType(int bandNo) const override=0
Returns data type for the band specified by number.
Qgis::RasterResamplingMethod zoomedOutResamplingMethod() const
Returns resampling method for zoomed-out operations.
QgsRasterBlock * block(int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback=nullptr) override
Read block of data using given extent and size.
void statusChanged(const QString &) const
Emit a message to be displayed on status bar, usually used by network providers (WMS,...
The drawing pipe for raster layers.
void draw(QPainter *p, QgsRasterViewPort *viewPort, const QgsMapToPixel *qgsMapToPixel, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback=nullptr)
Draws raster data.
virtual Qgis::RasterInterfaceCapabilities capabilities() const
Returns the capabilities supported by the interface.
virtual int xSize() const
Gets raster size.
virtual int ySize() const
Iterator for sequentially processing raster cells.
void setMaximumTileWidth(int w)
Sets the maximum tile width returned during iteration.
void setMaximumTileHeight(int h)
Sets the minimum tile height returned during iteration.
Raster layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties.
Qgis::RasterElevationMode mode() const
Returns the elevation mode.
bool hasElevation() const override
Returns true if the layer has an elevation or z component.
int bandNumber() const
Returns the band number from which the elevation should be taken.
void generateLabels(QgsRenderContext &context, QgsRasterPipe *pipe, QgsRasterViewPort *rasterViewPort, QgsRasterLayerRendererFeedback *feedback)
Generates the labels, given a render context and input pipe.
void startRender(QgsRenderContext &context) final
To be called before rendering of labels begins.
Implementation of threaded rendering for raster layers.
bool render() override
Do the rendering (based on data stored in the class).
QgsRasterLayerRenderer(QgsRasterLayer *layer, QgsRenderContext &rendererContext)
bool forceRasterRender() const override
Returns true if the renderer must be rendered to a raster paint device (e.g.
QgsFeedback * feedback() const override
Access to feedback object of the layer renderer (may be nullptr)
Implementation of map layer temporal properties for raster layers.
QDateTime temporalRepresentationOffset() const
Returns the temporal offset, which is a fixed datetime which should be added to individual pixel valu...
Qgis::TemporalIntervalMatchMethod intervalHandlingMethod() const
Returns the desired method to use when resolving a temporal interval to matching layers or bands in t...
const QgsInterval & temporalRepresentationScale() const
Returns the scale, which is an interval factor which should be applied to individual pixel values fro...
Qgis::RasterTemporalMode mode() const
Returns the temporal properties mode.
int bandNumber() const
Returns the band number from which temporal values should be taken.
static int renderedBandForElevationAndTemporalRange(QgsRasterLayer *layer, const QgsDateTimeRange &temporalRange, const QgsDoubleRange &elevationRange, bool &matched)
Given a raster layer, returns the band which should be used for rendering the layer for a specified t...
Represents a raster layer.
const QgsAbstractRasterLayerLabeling * labeling() const
Access to const labeling configuration.
int height() const
Returns the height of the (unclipped) raster.
QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties * temporalProperties() override
Returns the layer's temporal properties.
QgsRasterPipe * pipe()
Returns the raster pipe.
bool ignoreExtents() const
If the ignoreExtent flag is set, the layer will also render outside the bounding box reported by the ...
void computeMinMax(int band, const QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin &mmo, Qgis::RasterRangeLimit limits, const QgsRectangle &extent, int sampleSize, double &min, double &max)
Compute the min max values along band according to MinMaxOrigin parameters mmo and extent.
bool labelsEnabled() const
Returns whether the layer contains labels which are enabled and should be drawn.
static const double SAMPLE_SIZE
Default sample size (number of pixels) for estimated statistics/histogram calculation.
QgsRasterDataProvider * dataProvider() override
Returns the source data provider.
int width() const
Returns the width of the (unclipped) raster.
QgsMapLayerElevationProperties * elevationProperties() override
Returns the layer's elevation properties.
This class describes the origin of min/max values.
Qgis::RasterRangeLimit limits() const
Returns the raster limits.
Raster pipe that deals with null values.
Contains a pipeline of raster interfaces for sequential raster processing.
Implements approximate projection support for optimised raster transformation.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setCrs(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srcCRS, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destCRS, int srcDatumTransform=-1, int destDatumTransform=-1)
Sets the source and destination CRS.
Raster values range container.
@ IncludeMin
Include the min value, but not the max value, e.g. min <= value < max.
@ IncludeMinAndMax
Min and max values are inclusive.
@ IncludeMax
Include the max value, but not the min value, e.g. min < value <= max.
Raster renderer pipe that applies colors to a raster.
const QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin & minMaxOrigin() const
Returns const reference to origin of min/max values.
virtual bool refresh(const QgsRectangle &extent, const QList< double > &min, const QList< double > &max, bool forceRefresh=false)
Refreshes the renderer according to the min and max values associated with the extent.
virtual QList< int > usesBands() const
Returns a list of band numbers used by the renderer.
bool needsRefresh(const QgsRectangle &extent) const
Checks if the renderer needs to be refreshed according to extent.
Defines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering r...
A rectangle specified with double values.
Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(int precision=16) const
Returns a string representation of form xmin,ymin : xmax,ymax Coordinates will be truncated to the sp...
double xMinimum
double yMinimum
double xMaximum
void set(const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2, bool normalize=true)
Sets the rectangle from two QgsPoints.
double yMaximum
void setNull()
Mark a rectangle as being null (holding no spatial information).
QgsRectangle intersect(const QgsRectangle &rect) const
Returns the intersection with the given rectangle.
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
double scaleFactor() const
Returns the scaling factor for the render to convert painter units to physical sizes.
QPainter * painter()
Returns the destination QPainter for the render operation.
double rendererScale() const
Returns the renderer map scale.
QgsExpressionContext & expressionContext()
Gets the expression context.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext() const
Returns the context's coordinate transform context, which stores various information regarding which ...
QgsElevationMap * elevationMap() const
Returns the destination elevation map for the render operation.
const QgsRectangle & extent() const
When rendering a map layer, calling this method returns the "clipping" extent for the layer (in the l...
bool testFlag(Qgis::RenderContextFlag flag) const
Check whether a particular flag is enabled.
void setDpiTarget(double dpi)
Sets the targeted dpi for rendering.
float devicePixelRatio() const
Returns the device pixel ratio.
double dpiTarget() const
Returns the targeted DPI for rendering.
const QgsMapToPixel & mapToPixel() const
Returns the context's map to pixel transform, which transforms between map coordinates and device coo...
QgsDoubleRange zRange() const
Returns the range of z-values which should be rendered.
QSize deviceOutputSize() const
Returns the device output size of the render.
QgsLabelingEngine * labelingEngine() const
Gets access to new labeling engine (may be nullptr).
QgsCoordinateTransform coordinateTransform() const
Returns the current coordinate transform for the context.
Qgis::RenderContextFlags flags() const
Returns combination of flags used for rendering.
void setBoundingBox(const QgsRectangle &bounds)
Sets the bounding box of the item (in map units).
Contains computed statistics for a layer render.
void record(const QString &name, double time, const QString &group="startup", const QString &id=QString())
Manually adds a profile event with the given name and total time (in seconds).
Scoped object for saving and restoring a QPainter object's state.
bool isActive() const
Returns true if the temporal property is active.
const QgsDateTimeRange & temporalRange() const
Returns the datetime range for the object.
T begin() const
Returns the beginning of the range.
Definition qgsrange.h:446
T end() const
Returns the upper bound of the range.
Definition qgsrange.h:453
static Q_INVOKABLE double fromUnitToUnitFactor(Qgis::DistanceUnit fromUnit, Qgis::DistanceUnit toUnit)
Returns the conversion factor between the specified distance units.
std::unique_ptr< std::remove_pointer< GDALDatasetH >::type, GDALDatasetCloser > dataset_unique_ptr
Scoped GDAL dataset.
unsigned long long qgssize
Qgssize is used instead of size_t, because size_t is stdlib type, unknown by SIP, and it would be har...
Definition qgis.h:6734
bool qgsDoubleNear(double a, double b, double epsilon=4 *std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
Compare two doubles (but allow some difference)
Definition qgis.h:6186
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
Definition qgslogger.h:41
#define QgsDebugError(str)
Definition qgslogger.h:40
QgsTemporalRange< QDateTime > QgsDateTimeRange
QgsRange which stores a range of date times.
Definition qgsrange.h:760
QList< QgsRasterRange > QgsRasterRangeList
Defines the transparency for a range of single-band pixel values.
This class provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into.
qgssize mHeight
Height, number of rows to be rendered.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem mDestCRS
Target (map) coordinate system.
QgsPointXY mBottomRightPoint
Coordinate (in output device coordinate system) of bottom right corner of the part of the raster that...
QgsPointXY mTopLeftPoint
Coordinate (in output device coordinate system) of top left corner of the part of the raster that is ...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem mSrcCRS
Source (layer) coordinate system.
QgsRectangle mDrawnExtent
Intersection of current map extent and layer extent, in map (destination) CRS.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext mTransformContext
Coordinate transform context.
qgssize mWidth
Width, number of columns to be rendered.