Conversão de raster¶
Converte dados raster em formato de arquivo ASCII XYZ
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Raster layer to convert |
Band number |
[raster band] Default: The first band of the input layer |
If the raster is multiband, choose the band you want to convert |
Output comma-separated values |
[boolean] Default: False |
Sets whether the output file should be of type comma-separated values (csv). |
XYZ ASCII file |
[file] Default: |
Specification of the output file. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
XYZ ASCII file |
[table] |
Arquivo de tabela que contém os valores exportados da banda raster |
PCT para RGB¶
Converts an 8 bit paletted image to a 24 bit RGB. It will convert a pseudocolor band from the input file to an RGB file of the desired format.
This algorithm is derived from the GDAL pct2rgb utility .
“Menu padrão”: seleção menu: ‘Raster –> conversão’
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Input 8 bit raster image |
Band number |
[raster band] Default: The first band of the input layer |
If the raster is multiband, choose the band you want to convert |
Generate a RGBA file |
[boolean] Default: False |
Sets whether the output file should be of type RGBA. |
PCT to RGB |
[file] Default: |
Specification of the output file. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
PCT to RGB |
[raster] |
24 bit RGB raster image |
Poligonizar (raster para vetor)¶
Cria polígonos vetoriais para todas as regiões conectadas de pixels no raster que compartilha um valor de pixel comum. Cada polígono é criado com um atributo que indica o valor de pixel desse polígono.
This algorithm is derived from the GDAL polygonize utility .
“Menu padrão”: seleção menu: ‘Raster –> conversão’
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Input raster layer |
Band number |
[raster band] Default: The first band of the input layer |
If the raster is multiband, choose the band you want to use |
Name of the field to create |
[string] Default: ‘DN’ |
Specify the field name for the attributes of the connected regions. |
Use 8-connectedness |
[boolean] Default: False |
If not set, raster cells must have a common border to be considered connected (4-connected). If set, touching raster cells are also considered connected (8-connected). |
Vectorized |
[vector: polygon] Default: |
Specification of the output (polygon) vector layer. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Vectorized |
[vector: polygon] |
Output vector layer |
Reorganizar bandas¶
Cria um novo raster usando banda (s) selecionada de uma determinada camada raster. O algoritmo também torna possível reordenar as bandas para o raster recém-criado.
This algorithm is derived from the GDAL translate utility .
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Input raster layer |
Selected band(s) |
[raster band] [list] Default: None |
Ordered list of the bands to use to create the new raster |
Additional creation options Opcional. |
[string] Default: ‘’ |
For adding one or more creation options that control the raster to be created (colors, block size, file compression…). For convenience, you can rely on predefined profiles (see GDAL driver options section). |
Output data type |
[enumeration] Default: 0 |
Defines the data type of the output raster file. Options:
Converted |
[raster] Default: Save to temporary file |
Specification of the output raster. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Converted |
[raster] |
Output raster layer with rearranged bands. |
Converts a 24 bit RGB image into a 8 bit paletted. Computes an optimal pseudo-color table for the given RGB-image using a median cut algorithm on a downsampled RGB histogram. Then it converts the image into a pseudo-colored image using the color table. This conversion utilizes Floyd-Steinberg dithering (error diffusion) to maximize output image visual quality.
Se você quiser classificar um mapa raster e quiser reduzir o número de classes que pode ser útil para downsample sua imagem com este algoritmo antes.
This algorithm is derived from the GDAL rgb2pct utility .
“Menu padrão”: seleção menu: ‘Raster –> conversão’
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Input (RGB) raster layer |
Number of colors |
[number] Default: 2 |
O número de cores que a imagem resultante conterá. Um valor de 2-256 é possível. |
RGB to PCT |
[raster] Default: |
Specification of the output raster. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
RGB to PCT |
[raster] |
Output raster layer. |
Translate (convert format)¶
Converts raster data between different formats.
This algorithm is derived from the GDAL translate utility .
“Menu padrão”: seleção menu: ‘Raster –> conversão’
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Input layer |
[raster] |
Input raster layer |
Override the projection of the output file Opcional. |
[crs] |
Specify a projection for the output file |
Assign a specified nodata value to output bands Opcional. |
[number] Default: Not set |
Defines the value to use for nodata in the output raster |
Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files |
[boolean] Default: False |
Create individual files for subdatasets |
Additional creation options Opcional. |
[string] Default: ‘’ |
For adding one or more creation options that control the raster to be created (colors, block size, file compression…). For convenience, you can rely on predefined profiles (see GDAL driver options section). |
Output data type |
[enumeration] Default: 0 |
Defines the data type of the output raster file. Options:
Converted |
[raster] Default: |
Specification of the output (translated) raster layer. One of:
The file encoding can also be changed here. |
Label |
Nome |
Type |
Descrição |
Converted |
[raster] |
Output (translated) raster layer. |