QGIS 알고리즘 제공자¶
QGIS 알고리즘 제공자는 거의 QGIS API만 사용해서 다양한 분석 및 지리 공간 처리 작업을 구현합니다. 따라서 QGIS 제공자의 거의 모든 알고리즘은 어떤 추가적인 환경 설정 없이도 《설치 후 바로》 작동할 것입니다.
QGIS 제공자는 플러그인의 알고리즘을 일부 포함하며, QGIS 고유 알고리즘도 추가합니다.
- Cartography
- 데이터베이스
- File tools
- Graphics
- 보간법
- Layer tools
- Modeler tools
- Network analysis
- 레스터 분석
- Raster terrain analysis
- Raster tools
- Vector analysis
- Basic statistics for fields
- Count points in polygon
- DBSCAN clustering
- Distance matrix
- Distance to nearest hub (line to hub)
- Distance to nearest hub (points)
- Join by lines (hub lines)
- K-means clustering
- List unique values
- Mean coordinate(s)
- Nearest neighbour analysis
- Statistics by categories
- Sum line lengths
- Vector creation
- Array of offset (parallel) lines
- Array of translated features
- Create grid
- Create points layer from table
- Generate points (pixel centroids) along line
- Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygon
- Import geotagged photos
- Points to path
- Random points along line
- Random points in extent
- Random points in layer bounds
- Random points inside polygons
- Raster pixels to points
- Raster pixels to polygons
- Regular points
- Vector general
- Assign projection
- Build virtual vector
- Create attribute index
- Create spatial index
- Define layer projection
- Delete duplicate geometries
- Drop geometries
- Execute SQL
- Extract selected features
- Find projection
- Join attributes by field value
- Join attributes by location
- Join attributes by location (summary)
- Merge vector layers
- Order by expression
- Reproject layer
- Set style for vector layer
- Split vector layer
- Truncate table
- Vector geometry
- Add geometry attributes
- Aggregate
- Boundary
- Bounding boxes
- Buffer
- Centroids
- Check validity
- Collect geometries
- Concave hull (alpha shapes)
- Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)
- Convert geometry type
- Convex hull
- Create layer from extent
- Create wedge buffers
- Delaunay triangulation
- Delete holes
- Densify by count
- Densify by interval
- 디졸브
- Drape (set Z value from raster)
- Drop M/Z values
- Eliminate selected polygons
- Explode lines
- Extend lines
- Extract specific vertices
- Extract vertices
- Filter vertices by M value
- Filter vertices by Z value
- Fix geometries
- Geometry by expression
- Interpolate point on line
- Keep N biggest parts
- Line substring
- Lines to polygons
- Merge lines
- Minimum bounding geometry
- Minimum enclosing circles
- Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)
- Multipart to singleparts
- Offset lines
- Oriented minimum bounding box
- Orthogonalize
- Point on Surface
- Points along geometry
- Points displacement
- Pole of inaccessibility
- Polygonize
- Polygons to lines
- Project points (Cartesian)
- Promote to multipart
- Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed)
- Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable)
- Remove duplicate vertices
- Remove null geometries
- Reverse line direction
- Rotate
- Segmentize by maximum angle
- Segmentize by maximum distance
- Set M value
- Set M value from raster
- Set Z value
- Simplify
- Single sided buffer
- Smooth
- Snap geometries to layer
- Snap points to grid
- Subdivide
- Swap X and Y coordinates
- Tapered buffers
- Tessellate
- Transect
- Translate
- Variable distance buffer (Graphical Modeler only)
- Variable width buffer (by M value)
- Voronoi polygons
- Vector overlay
- Vector selection
- Vector table