QGIS is highly configurable through the Settings menu. Choose between Project Properties, Options and Customization.
QGIS follows desktop guidelines for the location of options and project properties item. Consequently related to the OS you are using, location of some of items described below could be in the Project or the Settings menu.
In the properties window for the project under
Settings ‣ Project Properties (kde) or
Project ‣ Project Properties (Gnome, OS X or Windows), you
can set project-specific options.
In the General menu, the general settings let you:
Calculating areas and distances is a common need in GIS. However, these values are really tied to the underlying projection settings. The Measurements frame lets you control these parameters. You can indeed choose:
Bara de actualizare a câmpului din tabela de atribute
Operațiunile din calculatorul de câmpuri
Unitatea implicită se afișează în dialogul de măsurare
The Coordinate display allows you to choose and customize the format of units to use to display the mouse coordinate in the status bar and the derived coordinates shown via the identify tool.
Finally, you can define a project scale list, which overrides the global predefined scales.
Fila Generalităților din fereastra cu Proprietățile Proiectului
Setările macro din QGIS
Meniul Relațiilor este folosit pentru a defini relațiile 1:n. Relațiile sunt definite în fereastra proprietăților proiectului. O dată ce există relații pentru un strat, un nou element de interfață cu utilizatorul, de tip formular (de exemplu, atunci când se identifică o entitate și se deschide formularul acesteia) va lista entitățile aferente. Acest lucru oferă o modalitate puternică de a exprima, de exemplu, istoria inspecțiilor de-a lungul unei conducte sau a unui segment de drum. Puteți afla mai multe despre suportul pentru relațiile 1:n în Secțiunea Crearea relațiilor one to many.
Some basic options for QGIS can be selected using the
Options dialog. Select the menu option Settings ‣
Options. The tabs where you can customize your
options are described below.
In the Authentication tab you can set authentication configurations and manage PKI certificates. See Sistem de Autentificare for more details.
The customization dialog lets you (de)activate almost every element in the QGIS user interface. This can be very useful if you want to provide your end-users with a ‘light’ version of QGIS, containing only the icons, menus or panels they need.
Pentru aplicarea modificărilor, trebuie să reporniți QGIS.
Figure Customization 1:
Dialogul de Personalizare
Ticking the Enable customization checkbox is the first step
on the way to QGIS customization. This enables the toolbar and the widget
panel from which you can uncheck and thus disable some GUI items.
Elementul configurabil poate fi:
un întreg Panou (see Panouri și Bare de Instrumente)
With Switch to catching widgets in main application, you
can click on an item in QGIS interface that you want to be hidden and
QGIS automatically unchecks the corresponding entry in the Customization dialog.
Once you setup your configuration, click [Apply] or [Ok] to validate your changes. This configuration becomes the one used by default by QGIS at the next startup.
The modifications can also be saved in a .ini file using
Save To File button. This is a handy way to share a common QGIS
interface among multiple users. Just click on
Load from File
from the destination computer in order to import the .ini file.
You can also run command line tools and save various
setups for different use cases as well.
Restaurează cu ușurință setările QGIS predefinite
The initial QGIS GUI configuration can be restored by one of the methods below:
In most cases, you need to restart QGIS in order to have the change applied.