70 double distanceAlongCurve = 0;
71 double distanceFromCurve = 0;
83 double minZ = std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
84 double maxZ = std::numeric_limits< double >::lowest();
89 bool respectLayerColors =
91 bool opacityByDistanceEffect =
93 QString
const override;
107 GEOSSTRtree *mPointIndex =
108 QPointer< QgsPointCloudLayer > mLayer;
110 std::unique_ptr< QgsCurve > mProfileCurve;
111 double mTolerance = 0;
113 double mZScale = 1.0;
114 double mMaxErrorInLayerCoordinates = 0;
140 QString sourceId()
const override;
152 QPointer< QgsPointCloudLayer > mLayer;
154 std::unique_ptr< QgsPointCloudRenderer > mRenderer;
155 double mMaximumScreenError = 0.3;
158 double mPointSize = 1;
162 bool mOpacityByDistanceEffect =
165 std::unique_ptr<QgsFeedback> mFeedback =
167 std::unique_ptr< QgsCurve > mProfileCurve;
169 double mTolerance = 0;
178 double mZScale = 1.0;
180 double mStepDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
184 std::unique_ptr< QgsAbstractGeometry > mSearchGeometryInLayerCrs;
185 std::unique_ptr< QgsGeos > mSearchGeometryInLayerCrsGeometryEngine;
188 std::unique_ptr< QgsPreparedPointCloudRendererData > mPreparedRendererData;
190 std::unique_ptr< QgsPointCloudLayerProfileResults > mResults;
191 QVector< QgsPointCloudLayerProfileResults::PointResult > mGatheredPoints;
Rendering symbols for point cloud points.
@ Square
Renders points as squares.
QFlags< ProfileGeneratorFlag > ProfileGeneratorFlags
Rendering size units.
@ Millimeters
Types of export for elevation profiles.
Abstract base class for objects which generate elevation profiles.
Abstract base class for storage of elevation profiles.
virtual QgsDoubleRange zRange() const =0
Returns the range of the retrieved elevation values.
virtual void renderResults(QgsProfileRenderContext &context)=0
Renders the results to the specified context.
virtual QMap< double, double > distanceToHeightMap() const =0
Returns the map of distance (chainage) to height.
virtual QString type() const =0
Returns the unique string identifier for the results type.
virtual QVector< QgsAbstractProfileResults::Feature > asFeatures(Qgis::ProfileExportType type, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const
Returns a list of features representing the calculated elevation results.
virtual QgsPointSequence sampledPoints() const =0
Returns a list of sampled points, with their calculated elevation as the point z value.
virtual QgsProfileSnapResult snapPoint(const QgsProfilePoint &point, const QgsProfileSnapContext &context)
Snaps a point to the generated elevation profile.
virtual QVector< QgsProfileIdentifyResults > identify(const QgsProfilePoint &point, const QgsProfileIdentifyContext &context)
Identify results visible at the specified profile point.
virtual QVector< QgsGeometry > asGeometries() const =0
Returns a list of geometries representing the calculated elevation results.
virtual void copyPropertiesFromGenerator(const QgsAbstractProfileGenerator *generator)
Copies properties from specified generator to the results object.
Abstract base class for terrain providers.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed.
Abstract base class for curved geometry type.
QgsRange which stores a range of double values.
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread.
Does vector analysis using the GEOS library and handles import, export, and exception handling.
Collection of point cloud attributes.
Base class for storing raw data from point cloud nodes.
Smart pointer for QgsAbstractPointCloudIndex.
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileGenerator for point cloud layers.
~QgsPointCloudLayerProfileGenerator() override
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileResults for point cloud layers.
std::vector< PointResult > results
Represents a map layer supporting display of point clouds.
Represents a indexed point cloud node's position in octree.
Abstract base class for 2d point cloud renderers.
Point cloud data request.
Base class for 2d point cloud renderer prepared data containers.
Encapsulates the context in which an elevation profile is to be generated.
Encapsulates the context of identifying profile results.
Encapsulates a point on a distance-elevation profile.
Abstract base class for storage of elevation profiles.
Encapsulates properties and constraints relating to fetching elevation profiles from different source...
Encapsulates the context of snapping a profile point.
Encapsulates results of snapping a profile point.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Class for storage of 3D vectors similar to QVector3D, with the difference that it uses double precisi...
QVector< QgsPoint > QgsPointSequence