.. only:: html

|LS| GRASS Tools

In this lesson we will present a selection of tools to give you an idea of the
capabilities of GRASS.

.. _grass_aspect:

|basic| |FA| Create an aspect map

#. Open the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` tab
#. Load the :file:`g_dem` raster layer from the :guilabel:`grass_mapset` Mapset
#. Look for the :guilabel:`r.aspect` module by searching for it in the
   :guilabel:`Filter` field of the :guilabel:`Modules List` tab
#. Open the tool and set it up like this and click on the :guilabel:`Run` button:

   .. image:: img/grass_aspect.png
      :align: center


#. When the process is finished click on :guilabel:`View Output` to load the
   resulting layer in the canvas:

.. image:: img/grass_aspect_result.png
   :align: center

The :file:`g_aspect` layer is stored within the :guilabel:`grass_mapset` Mapset
so you can remove the layer from the canvas and reload it whenever you want.

|basic| |FA| Get basic statistic of raster layer

We want to know some basic statistics of the :file:`g_dem` raster layer.

#. Open the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` tab
#. Load the :file:`g_dem` raster layer from the :guilabel:`grass_mapset` Mapset
#. Look for the :guilabel:`r.info` module by searching for it in the
   :guilabel:`Filter` field of the :guilabel:`Modules List` tab
#. Set up the tool like this and click on :guilabel:`Run`:

   .. image:: img/grass_raster_info.png
      :align: center


#. Within the Output tab you will see some raster information printed, like the
   path of the file, the number of rows and columns and other useful information:

   .. image:: img/grass_raster_info_result.png
      :align: center

|moderate| |FA| The Reclass Tool

Reclassifying a raster layer is a very useful task. We just created the
:file:`g_aspect` layer from the :file:`g_dem` one. The value range gets from 0
(North) passing through 90 (East), 180 (South), 270 (West) and finally to 360
(North again). We can reclassify the :file:`g_aspect` layer to have just 4
**categories** following specific *rules* (North = 1, East = 2, South = 3 and
West = 4).

Grass reclassify tool accepts a ``txt`` file with the defined rules. Writing the
rules is very simple and the GRASS Manual contains very good description.

.. tip:: Each GRASS tool has its own Manual tab. Take the time to read the
  description of the tool you are using to don't miss some useful parameters

#. Load the :file:`g_aspect` layer or, if you don't have create it, go back to the
   :ref:`grass_aspect` section.
#. Look for the :guilabel:`r.reclass` module by searching for it in the
   :guilabel:`Filter` field of the :guilabel:`Modules List` tab
#. Open the tool and set it up like the following picture. The file containing the
   rules is in the :file:`exercise_data/grass/` folder, named :file:`reclass_aspect.txt`.
#. Click on :guilabel:`Run` and wait until the process is finished:

   .. image:: img/grass_reclass.png
      :align: center


#. Click on :guilabel:`View Output` to load the reclassified raster in the canvas

   The new layer is made up by just 4 values (1, 2, 3, and 4) and it is easier to
   manage and to process.

   .. image:: img/grass_reclass_result.png
      :align: center

.. tip:: Open the :file:`reclass_aspect.txt` with a text editor to see the rules
  and to start becoming used to them. Moreover, take a deep look at the GRASS
  manual: a lot of different examples are pointed out.

.. _backlink-grass_reclass:

|moderate| |TY| Reclassify with your rules

Try to reclassify the :file:`g_dem` layer into 3 new categories:

* from 0 to 1000, new value = 1
* from 1000 to 1400, new value = 2
* from 1400 to the maximum raster value, new value = 3

:ref:`Check your results <grass_reclass>`

|moderate| |FA| The Mapcalc Tool

The Mapcalc tools is similar to the Raster Calculator of QGIS. You can perform
mathematical operation on one or more raster layers and the final result will
be a new layer with the calculated values.

The aim of the next exercise is to extract the values greater than 1000 from the
:file:`g_dem` raster layer.

#. Look for the :guilabel:`r.mapcalc` module by searching for it in the
   :guilabel:`Filter` field of the :guilabel:`Modules List` tab.
#. Start the tool.

   The :guilabel:`Mapcalc` dialog allows you to construct a sequence of analyses
   to be performed on a raster, or collection of rasters. You will use these tools
   to do so:

   .. image:: img/map_calc_tools.png
      :align: center


   In order, they are:

   * :guilabel:`Add map`: Add a raster file from your current GRASS mapset.
   * :guilabel:`Add constant value`: Add a constant value to be used in functions,
     1000 in this case
   * :guilabel:`Add operator or function`: Add an operator or function to be connected
     to inputs and outputs, we will use the operator ``greater equals than``
   * :guilabel:`Add connection`: Connect elements. Using this tool, click and drag
     from the red dot on one item to the red dot on another item. Dots that are
     correctly connected to a connector line will turn gray. If the line or dot is
     red, it is not properly connected!
   * :guilabel:`Select item`: Select an item and move selected items.
   * :guilabel:`Delete selected item`: Removes the selected item from the current
     mapcalc sheet, but not from the mapset (if it is an existing raster)
   * :guilabel:`Open`: Open an existing file with the operation defined
   * :guilabel:`Save`: Save all the operation in a file
   * :guilabel:`Save as`: Save all the operations as a new file on the disk.

#. Using these tools, construct the following algorithm:

   .. image:: img/grass_mapcalc.png
      :align: center


#. Click on :guilabel:`Run` and then on :guilabel:`View output` to see the output
   displayed in your map:

   .. image:: img/grass_mapcalc_result.png
      :align: center


This shows all the areas where the terrain is higher than 1000 meters.

.. tip:: You can also save the formula you have created and load it in another
  QGIS project by clicking on the last button on the GRASS Mapcalc toolbar.


In this lesson, we have covered only a few of the many tools GRASS offers. To
explore the capabilities of GRASS for yourself, open the :guilabel:`GRASS
Tools` dialog and scroll down the :guilabel:`Modules List`. Or for a more
structured approach, look under the :guilabel:`Modules Tree` tab, which
organizes tools by type.

.. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE
   This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script.
   If you need to create a new substitution manually,
   please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the
   source folder.

.. |FA| replace:: Follow Along:
.. |IC| replace:: In Conclusion
.. |LS| replace:: Lesson:
.. |TY| replace:: Try Yourself
.. |basic| image:: /static/global/basic.png
.. |moderate| image:: /static/global/moderate.png