Об авторах и помощниках¶
Tim Sutton — Editor & Lead Author. Tim Sutton is a developer and project steering committee member of the QGIS project. He is passionate about seeing GIS being Freely available to everyone. Tim is also a founding member of Linfiniti Consulting CC. — a small business set up with the goal of helping people to learn and use opensource GIS software. Web: https://www.kartoza.com Email: tim@kartoza.com |
Otto Dassau — Assistant Author. Otto Dassau is the documentation maintainer and project steering committee member of the QGIS project. Otto has considerable experience in using and training people to use Free and Open Source GIS software. Web: http://www.nature-consult.de Email: otto.dassau@gmx.de |
Marcelle Sutton — Project Manager. Marcelle Sutton studied English and drama and is a qualified teacher. Marcelle is also a founding member of Linfiniti Consulting CC. — a small business set up with the goal of helping people to learn and use opensource GIS software. Web: https://kartoza.com Email: marcelle@kartoza.com |
Lerato Nsibande –– Video Presenter. Lerato учится в 12 классе и живет в Претории. Она изучает географию в школе и получает удовольствие узучая ГИС с нами! |
Sibongile Mthombeni –– Video Presenter. Sibongile живет рядом с Йоханнесбургом вместе с дочерью. Её целью является дальшее обучение и получение профессии медсестры. Работа над этим проектом была первым знакомством Sibongile с компьютером. |