7.1. Lesson: Reprojectarea și Transformarea Datelor¶
Haideți să vorbim din nou despre Sistemele de Coordonate de Referință (CRS-uri). Am atins acest subiect mai înainte, dar nu am discutat ce înseamnă practic.
Scopul acestei lecții: De a reproiecta și transforma seturile de date vectoriale.
Follow Along: Proiecții¶
CRS-ul folosit în acest moment pentru toate datele, precum și pentru harta în sine, este denumit WGS84. Acesta este un Sistem de Coordonate Geografic (GCS) utilizat, în mod comun, la reprezentarea datelor. Dar există o problemă, după cum vom vedea.
Save your current map
Then open the map of the world which you’ll find under
Zoom in to South Africa by using the Zoom In tool
Try setting a scale in the Scale field, which is in the Status Bar along the bottom of the screen. While over South Africa, set this value to 1:5 000 000 (one to five million).
Pan around the map while keeping an eye on the Scale field
Notice the scale changing? That’s because you’re moving away from the one point that you zoomed into at 1:5 000 000, which was at the center of your screen. All around that point, the scale is different.
Pentru a înțelege de ce, gândiți-vă la un glob al Pământului. Acesta are linii care pornesc de la Nord înspre Sud. Aceste linii longitudinale sunt situate departe una de alta la ecuator, dar se întâlnesc la poli.
In a GCS, you’re working on this sphere, but your screen is flat. When you try to represent the sphere on a flat surface, distortion occurs, similar to what would happen if you cut open a tennis ball and tried to flatten it out. What this means on a map is that the longitude lines stay equally far apart from each other, even at the poles (where they are supposed to meet). This means that, as you travel away from the equator on your map, the scale of the objects that you see gets larger and larger. What this means for us, practically, is that there is no constant scale on our map!
To solve this, let’s use a Projected Coordinate System (PCS) instead. A PCS „projects” or converts the data in a way that makes allowance for the scale change and corrects it. Therefore, to keep the scale constant, we should reproject our data to use a PCS.
Follow Along: Reproiectarea „Din-Zbor”¶
By default, QGIS reprojects data „on the fly”. What this means is that even if the data itself is in another CRS, QGIS can project it as if it were in a CRS of your choice.
You can change the CRS of the project by clicking on button
in the bottom right corner of QGIS.
In the dialog that appears, type the word
into the Filter field. One CRS (NSIDC EASE-Grid 2.0 Global, EPSG:6933) should appear in the list below.Click on the NSIDC EASE-Grid 2.0 Global to select it, then click OK.
Observați modul în care forma Africii de Sud se schimbă. Toate proiecțiile lucrează prin schimbarea formelor aparente ale obiectelor de pe Terra.
Zoom in to a scale of 1:5 000 000 again, as before.
Deplasați un pic harta.
Observați că scara rămâne la fel!
Reproiectarea „din zbor” este folosită, de asemenea, pentru a combina seturile de date aflate în diverse CRS-uri
Add another vector layer to your map which has the data for South Africa only. You’ll find it as
.Load it and a quick way to see what is its CRS is by hovering the mouse over the layer in the legend. It is
Ce observați?
The layer is visible even if it has a different CRS from the continents one.
Follow Along: Salvarea unui Set de Date într-un Alt CRS¶
Sometimes you need to export an existing dataset in another CRS. As we will see in the next lesson, if you need to make some distance calculations on layer, it is always better to have the layer in a projected coordinate system.
Be aware that the «on the fly» reprojection is related to the project and not to single layers. This means that layers can have different CRS from the project even if you see them in the correct position.
But you can easily export the layer in another CRS.
Right-click on the buildings layer in the Layers panel
Select Save Vector Layer as… dialog.
in the menu that appears. You will be shown theClick on the Browse button next to the File name field
Navigate to
and specify the name of the new layer as buildings_reprojected.shp.We must change the value of the CRS. Only the recent CRSs used will be shown in the drop down menu. Click on the
button next to the dropdown menu.
The CRS Selector dialog will now appear. In its Filter field, search for
.Select WGS 84 / UTM zone 34S from the list
Leave the other options unchanged. The Save Vector Layer as… dialog now looks like this:
Click OK
You can now compare the old and new projections of the layer and see that they are in two different CRS but they are still overlapping.
Follow Along: Crearea Propriei Dvs. Proiecții¶
Există mai multe proiecții decât cele incluse în QGIS în mod implicit. De asemenea, puteți crea propriile proiecții.
Start a new map
Load the
datasetGo to
and you’ll see this dialog.An interesting projection to use is called
Van der Grinten I
. Enter its name in the Name field.Această proiecție reprezintă Pământul pe un teren circular, în locul uneia dreptunghiulară, la fel ca majoritatea celorlalte proiecții.
Add the following string in the Parameters field:
+proj=vandg +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +R_A +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs
Click OK
Choose your newly defined projection (search for its name in the Filter field)
După aplicarea acestei proiecții, harta va fi reproiectată astfel:
7.1.5. In Conclusion¶
Diferite proiecții sunt utile pentru scopuri diferite. Prin alegerea proiecția corectă, vă puteți asigura că entitățile de pe hartă sunt reprezentate cu precizie.
7.1.6. Further Reading¶
Materials for the Advanced section of this lesson were taken from this article.
Further information on Coordinate Reference Systems is available here.
7.1.7. What’s Next?¶
În lecția următoare veți învăța cum să analizați datele vectoriale, folosind diverse instrumente de analiză vectorială din QGIS.