5.3. Tarefa 1¶
Abra o seu projecto de mapa e reveja-o na integra. Se encontrar pequenos erros ou detalhes que gostaria de ter melhorado, faça-o agora.
Enquanto estiver a personalizar o seu mapa, questione-se a si mesmo. O mapa é fácil de ler e de interpretar por alguém sem conhecimento prévio dos dados? Se visse este mapa na internet, num poster ou numa revista, iria chamar a minha atenção? Iria querer interpretar este mapa se ele não fosse de minha autoria?
If you’re doing this course at a Basic or
level, read up on techniques from the more advanced sections. If you see
something you’d like to do in your map, why not try to implement it?
If this course is being presented to you, the course presenter may require you to submit a final version of your map, exported to PDF, for evaluation. If you’re doing this course by yourself, it’s recommended that you evaluate your own map using the same criteria. Your map will be evaluated on the overall appearance and symbology of the map itself, as well as the appearance and layout of the map page and elements. Remember that the emphasis for evaluating the appearance of maps will always be ease of use. The nicer the map is to look at and the easier it is to understand at a glance, the better.
Happy customizing!
5.3.1. In Conclusion¶
The first four modules have taught you how to create and style a vector map. In the next four modules, you’ll learn how to use QGIS for a complete GIS analysis. This will include creating and editing vector data; analyzing vector data; using and analyzing raster data; and using GIS to solve a problem from start to finish, using both raster and vector data sources.