.. only:: html

|LS| Rules

Rules allow the "query tree" of an incoming query to be rewritten. One common
usage is to implement views, including updatable view. *- Wikipedia*

**The goal for this lesson:** To learn how to create new rules for the

Creating a logging rule

Say you want to log every change of phone_no in your people table in to a
people_log table. So you set up a new table:

.. code-block:: sql

  create table people_log (name text, time timestamp default NOW());

In the next step, create a rule that logs every change of a phone_no in the
people table into the people_log table:

.. code-block:: sql

  create rule people_log as on update to people
    where NEW.phone_no <> OLD.phone_no
    do insert into people_log values (OLD.name);

To test that the rule works, let's modify a phone number:

.. code-block:: sql

  update people set phone_no = '082 555 1234' where id = 2;

Check that the :kbd:`people` table was updated correctly:

.. code-block:: sql

    select * from people where id=2;

     id |    name    | house_no | street_id |   phone_no
      2 | Joe Bloggs |        3 |         2 | 082 555 1234
    (1 row)

Now, thanks to the rule we created, the :kbd:`people_log` table will look like

.. code-block:: sql

    select * from people_log;

        name    |            time
     Joe Bloggs | 2014-01-11 14:15:11.953141
    (1 row)

.. note::  The value of the :kbd:`time` field will depend on the current date
   and time.


Rules allow you to automatically add or change data in your database to reflect
changes in other parts of the database.


The next module will introduce you to Spatial Database using PostGIS,
which takes these database concepts and applies them to GIS data.

.. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE
   This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script.
   If you need to create a new substitution manually,
   please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the
   source folder.

.. |IC| replace:: In Conclusion
.. |LS| replace:: Lesson:
.. |WN| replace:: What's Next?