.. _processing_testing: ******************************* Processing Algorithms Testing ******************************* .. contents:: :local: Algorithm tests =============== .. note:: The original version of these instructions is available at :source:`python/plugins/processing/tests/README.md` QGIS provides several algorithms under the Processing framework. You can extend this list with algorithms of your own and, like any new feature, adding tests is required. To test algorithms you can add entries into :file:`testdata/qgis_algorithm_tests.yaml` or :file:`testdata/gdal_algorithm_tests.yaml` as appropriate. This file is structured with `yaml syntax <http://www.yaml.org/start.html>`_. A basic test appears under the toplevel key ``tests`` and looks like this: .. code-block:: yaml - name: centroid algorithm: qgis:polygoncentroids params: - type: vector name: polys.gml results: OUTPUT_LAYER: type: vector name: expected/polys_centroid.gml .. _howto_processing_testing: How To ------ To add a new test please follow these steps: #. Run the :ref:`algorithm <processing_algs>` you want to test in QGIS from the :ref:`processing toolbox <processing.toolbox>`. If the result is a vector layer prefer GML, with its XSD, as output for its support of mixed geometry types and good readability. Redirect output to :file:`python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/expected`. For input layers prefer to use what's already there in the folder :file:`testdata`. If you need extra data, put it into :file:`testdata/custom`. #. When you have run the algorithm, go to :menuselection:`Processing --> History` and find the algorithm which you have just run. #. Right click the algorithm and click :guilabel:`Create Test`. A new window will open with a text definition. #. Open the file :file:`python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/algorithm_tests.yaml`, copy the text definition there. The first string from the command goes to the key ``algorithm``, the subsequent ones to ``params`` and the last one(s) to ``results``. The above translates to .. code-block:: yaml - name: densify algorithm: qgis:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval params: - type: vector name: polys.gml - 2 # Interval results: OUTPUT: type: vector name: expected/polys_densify.gml It is also possible to create tests for Processing scripts. Scripts should be placed in the :file:`scripts` subdirectory in the test data directory :file:`python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/`. The script file name should match the script algorithm name. Parameters and results ---------------------- Trivial type parameters ....................... Parameters and results are specified as lists or dictionaries: .. code-block:: yaml params: INTERVAL: 5 INTERPOLATE: True NAME: A processing test or .. code-block:: yaml params: - 2 - string - another param Layer type parameters ..................... You will often need to specify layers as parameters. To specify a layer you will need to specify: * the type, ie ``vector`` or ``raster`` * a name, with a relative path like :file:`expected/polys_centroid.gml` This is what it looks like in action: .. code-block:: yaml params: PAR: 2 STR: string LAYER: type: vector name: polys.gml OTHER: another param File type parameters .................... If you need an external file for the algorithm test, you need to specify the 'file' type and the (relative) path to the file in its 'name': .. code-block:: yaml params: PAR: 2 STR: string EXTFILE: type: file name: custom/grass7/extfile.txt OTHER: another param Results ....... Results are specified very similarly. Basic vector files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It couldn't be more trivial .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT: name: expected/qgis_intersection.gml type: vector Add the expected GML and XSD files in the folder. Vector with tolerance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sometimes different platforms create slightly different results which are still acceptable. In this case (but only then) you may also use additional properties to define how a layer is compared. To deal with a certain tolerance for output values you can specify a ``compare`` property for an output. The compare property can contain sub-properties for ``fields``. This contains information about how precisely a certain field is compared (``precision``) or a field can even entirely be ``skip``ed. There is a special field name ``__all__`` which will apply a certain tolerance to all fields. There is another property ``geometry`` which also accepts a ``precision`` which is applied to each vertex. .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT: type: vector name: expected/abcd.gml compare: fields: __all__: precision: 5 # compare to a precision of .00001 on all fields A: skip # skip field A geometry: precision: 5 # compare coordinates with a precision of 5 digits Raster files ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Raster files are compared with a hash checksum. This is calculated when you create a test from the processing history. .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT: type: rasterhash hash: f1fedeb6782f9389cf43590d4c85ada9155ab61fef6dc285aaeb54d6 Files ^^^^^ You can compare the content of an output file to an expected result reference file .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT_HTML_FILE: name: expected/basic_statistics_string.html type: file Or you can use one or more regular expressions that will be `matched <https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html#re.search>`_ against the file content .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT: name: layer_info.html type: regex rules: - 'Extent: \(-1.000000, -3.000000\) - \(11.000000, 5.000000\)' - 'Geometry: Line String' - 'Feature Count: 6' Directories ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can compare the content of an output directory with an expected result reference directory .. code-block:: yaml OUTPUT_DIR: name: expected/tiles_xyz/test_1 type: directory Algorithm Context ----------------- There are a few more definitions that can modify the context of the algorithm - these can be specified at the top level of test: * ``project`` - will load a specified QGIS project file before running the algorithm. If not specified, the algorithm will run with an empty project * ``project_crs`` - overrides the default project CRS - e.g. ``EPSG:27700`` * ``ellipsoid`` - overrides the default project ellipsoid used for measurements, e.g. ``GRS80`` Running tests locally --------------------- .. code-block:: yaml ctest -V -R ProcessingQgisAlgorithmsTest or one of the following values listed in the :source:`CMakelists.txt <python/plugins/processing/tests/CMakeLists.txt>`