15.7. Lesson: 森林パラメーターを計算する


このレッスンの目標: 一般と林分レベルで森林のパラメーターを計算します。

15.7.1. basic Follow Along: 調査結果を追加


Most often the information will be collected into paper forms in the field, then typed to a spreadsheet. The sample plots information has been condensed into a .csv file that can be easily open in QGIS.

Continue with the QGIS project from the lesson about designing the inventory, you probably named it forest_inventory.qgs.

まず、QGIS プロジェクトにサンプルプロットの測定を追加します。

  1. レイヤー - >区切りのテキストレイヤーを追加... に行きます。

  2. Browse to the file systematic_inventory_results.csv located in exercise_data/forestry/results/.

  3. ポイント座標 オプションがチェックされていることを確認します。

  4. Set the fields for the coordinates to the X and Y fields.

  5. OK をクリックします。

  6. When prompted, select ETRS89 / ETRS-TM35FIN as the CRS.

  7. 新しいレイヤーの 属性テーブル を開いてデータを見てみましょう。

You can read the type of data that is contained in the sample plots measurements in the text file legend_2012_inventorydata.txt located in the exercise_data/forestry/results/ folder.

The systematic_inventory_results layer you just added is actually just a virtual representation of the text information in the .csv file. Before you continue, convert the inventory results to a real spatial dataset:

  1. Right click on the systematic_inventory_results layer.

  2. Browse to exercise_data/forestry/results/ folder.

  3. Name the file sample_plots_results.shp.

  4. 保存したファイルを地図に追加 をチェックします。

  5. Remove the systematic_inventory_results layer from your project.

15.7.2. basic Follow Along: 森林全体のパラメーター推定

You can calculate the averages for this whole forest area from the inventory results for the some interesting parameters, like the volume and the number of stems per hectare. Since the systematic sample plots represent equal areas, you can directly calculate the averages of the volumes and number of stems per hectare from the sample_plots_results layer.

基本統計 ツールを使用して、ベクターレイヤー内のフィールドの平均値を計算できます。

  1. Open Vector ‣ Analysis Tools ‣ Basic statistics for Fields.

  2. Select sample_plots_results as the Input Vector Layer.

  3. Select Vol as Target field.

  4. OK をクリックします。

The average volume in the forest is 135.2 m3/ha.

You can calculate the average for the number of stems in the same way, 2745 stems/ha.


15.7.3. basic Follow Along: 林分のパラメーターを推定する



  1. ベクター ‣ データ管理 ‣ 位置により属性を結合 ツールを開きます。

  2. Set forest_stands_2012 as the Target vector layer. The layer you want the results for.

  3. Set sample_plots_results as the Join vector layer. The layer you want to calculate estimates from.

  4. 交わる地物を集計 をチェックします。

  5. 平均 だけ計算するようチェックしてください。

  6. Name the result as forest_stands_2012_results.shp and save it in the exercise_data/forestry/results/ folder.

  7. 最後に すべてのレコードを保管... を選択し、どの林分が情報を取得していないか、後で内容を確認できるようにします。

  8. OK をクリックします。

  9. プロンプトが表示されたら、プロジェクトに新しいレイヤーを追加し受け入れます。

  10. 位置によって属性を結合 ツールを閉じます。

Open the Attribute table for forest_stands_2012_results and review the results you got. Note that a number of forest stands have NULL as the value for the calculations, those are the ones having no sample plots. Select them all and view them in the map, they are some of the smaller stands:


Lets calculate now the same averages for the whole forest as you did before, only this time you will use the averages you got for the stands as the bases for the calculation. Remember that in the previous situation, each sample plot represented a theoretical stand of 80x80 m. Now you have to consider the area of each of the stands individually instead. That way, again, the average values of the parameters that are in, for example, m3/ha for the volumes are converted to total volumes for the stands.


  1. 属性テーブル 中で編集を有効にします。

  2. フィールド計算機 を開きます。

  3. Create a new field called area.

  4. Set the Output field type to Decimal number (real).

  5. Set the Precision to 2.

  6. In the Expression box, write $area / 10000. This will calculate the area of the forest stands in ha.

  7. OK をクリックします。


  1. Name the fields s_vol and s_stem.

  2. フィールドは整数でもよいし、実数も使用できます。

  3. Use the expressions "area"  *  "MEANVol" and "area"  *  "MEANStems" for total volumes and total stems respectively.

  4. 終了したら、編集内容を保存します。

  5. 編集を無効にします。


  1. In the Attribute table for the forest_stands_2012_results layer, select all the stands containing information.

  2. Open Vector ‣ Analysis Tools ‣ Basic statistics for fields.

  3. Select the forest_stands_2012_results as the Input layer.

  4. Select area as Field to calculate statistics on.

  5. Check the Selected features only

  6. OK をクリックします。


As you can see, the total sum of the stands' areas is 66.04 ha. Note that the area of the missing forest stands is only about 7 ha.

In the same way, you can calculate that the total volume for these stands is 8908 m3/ha and the total number of stems is 179594 stems.


  • 184.9 m3/ha and

  • 2719 stems/ha.

Save your QGIS project, forest_inventory.qgs.

15.7.4. In Conclusion


15.7.5. What's Next?
