8. Module: Raster-rasterΒΆ
Kami telah menggunakan raster untuk digitalisasi sebelumnya, namun data raster juga dapat digunakan secara langsung. Dalam modul ini, Anda akan melihat bagaimana hal itu dilakukan di QGIS.
- 8.1. Lesson: Working with Raster Data
- 8.2. Lesson: Changing Raster Symbology
- 8.3. Lesson: Terrain Analysis
- 8.3.1. Follow Along: Calculating a Hillshade
- 8.3.2. Follow Along: Using a Hillshade as an Overlay
- 8.3.3. Follow Along: Calculating the Slope
- 8.3.4. Try Yourself Calculating the aspect
- 8.3.5. Follow Along: Using the Raster Calculator
- 8.3.6. Try Yourself More slopes
- 8.3.7. Follow Along: Combining Raster Analysis Results
- 8.3.8. Follow Along: Simplifying the Raster
- 8.3.9. Follow Along: Reclassifying the Raster
- 8.3.10. Follow Along: Querying the raster
- 8.3.11. In Conclusion
- 8.3.12. What's Next?