19. Module: Using Spatial Databases in QGIS¶
In this module you will learn about how to use Spatial Databases with QGIS to manage, display and manipulate data in the database as well as performing analysis by querying. We will primarily use PostgreSQL and PostGIS (which were covered in previous sections), but the same concepts are applicable to other spatial database implementations including spatialite.
- 19.1. Lesson: Arbeit mit Datenbanken im QGIS Browser
- 19.2. Lesson: Verwendung der DB-Verwaltung zur Arbeit mit räumlichen Datenbanken in QGIS
- 19.2.1. Follow Along: Managen von PostGIS Datenbanken mit der DB-Verwaltung
- 19.2.2. Follow Along: Erstellen einer neuen Tabelle
- 19.2.3. Follow Along: Einfache Datenbankadministration
- 19.2.4. Follow Along: Executing SQL Queries with DB Manager
- 19.2.5. Importing Data into a Database with DB Manager
- 19.2.6. Exporting Data from a Database with DB Manager
- 19.2.7. In Conclusion
- 19.2.8. What’s Next?
- 19.3. Lesson: Working with spatialite databases in QGIS