QGIS algorithm provider¶
QGIS algorithm provider implements various analysis and geoprocessing operations using mostly only QGIS API. So almost all algorithms from this provider will work „out of the box“ without any additional configuration.
This provider incorporates some algorithms from plugins and also adds its own algorithms.
- Cartography
- База данни
- File tools
- Graphics
- Interpolation
- Layer tools
- Modeler tools
- Network analysis
- Raster analysis
- Raster terrain analysis
- Raster tools
- Vector analysis
- Basic statistics for fields
- Count points in polygon
- DBSCAN clustering
- Distance matrix
- Distance to nearest hub (line to hub)
- Distance to nearest hub (points)
- Join by lines (hub lines)
- K-means clustering
- List unique values
- Mean coordinate(s)
- Nearest neighbour analysis
- Statistics by categories
- Sum line lengths
- Vector creation
- Array of offset (parallel) lines
- Array of translated features
- Create grid
- Create points layer from table
- Generate points (pixel centroids) along line
- Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygon
- Import geotagged photos
- Points to path
- Random points along line
- Random points in extent
- Random points in layer bounds
- Random points inside polygons
- Raster pixels to points
- Raster pixels to polygons
- Regular points
- Vector general
- Assign projection
- Build virtual vector
- Create attribute index
- Create spatial index
- Define layer projection
- Delete duplicate geometries
- Drop geometries
- Execute SQL
- Extract selected features
- Find projection
- Join attributes by field value
- Join attributes by location
- Join attributes by location (summary)
- Merge vector layers
- Order by expression
- Reproject layer
- Set style for vector layer
- Split vector layer
- Truncate table
- Vector geometry
- Add geometry attributes
- Aggregate
- Boundary
- Bounding boxes
- Buffer
- Centroids
- Check validity
- Collect geometries
- Concave hull (alpha shapes)
- Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)
- Convert geometry type
- Convex hull
- Create layer from extent
- Create wedge buffers
- Delaunay triangulation
- Delete holes
- Densify by count
- Densify by interval
- Dissolve
- Drape (set Z value from raster)
- Drop M/Z values
- Eliminate selected polygons
- Explode lines
- Extend lines
- Extract specific vertices
- Extract vertices
- Filter vertices by M value
- Filter vertices by Z value
- Fix geometries
- Geometry by expression
- Interpolate point on line
- Keep N biggest parts
- Line substring
- Lines to polygons
- Merge lines
- Minimum bounding geometry
- Minimum enclosing circles
- Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)
- Multipart to singleparts
- Offset lines
- Oriented minimum bounding box
- Orthogonalize
- Point on Surface
- Points along geometry
- Points displacement
- Pole of inaccessibility
- Polygonize
- Polygons to lines
- Project points (Cartesian)
- Promote to multipart
- Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed)
- Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable)
- Remove duplicate vertices
- Remove null geometries
- Reverse line direction
- Rotate
- Segmentize by maximum angle
- Segmentize by maximum distance
- Set M value
- Set M value from raster
- Set Z value
- Simplify
- Single sided buffer
- Smooth
- Snap geometries to layer
- Snap points to grid
- Subdivide
- Swap X and Y coordinates
- Tapered buffers
- Tessellate
- Transect
- Translate
- Variable distance buffer (Graphical Modeler only)
- Variable width buffer (by M value)
- Voronoi polygons
- Vector overlay
- Vector selection
- Vector table