Документация за QGIS |версия|¶
За QGIS има много документация, тя е преведна частично.
Моля, разгледайте в някои от документите по-долу.
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS
- Training Manual
- 1. Course Introduction
- 2. Module: The Interface
- 3. Module: Creating a Basic Map
- 4. Module: Classifying Vector Data
- 5. Module: Creating Maps
- 6. Module: Creating Vector Data
- 7. Module: Vector Analysis
- 8. Module: Rasters
- 9. Module: Completing the Analysis
- 10. Module: Plugins
- 11. Module: Online Resources
- 12. Module: QGIS Server
- 13. Module: GRASS
- 14. Module: Assessment
- 15. Module: Forestry Application
- 16. Module: Database Concepts with PostgreSQL
- 17. Module: Spatial Database Concepts with PostGIS
- 18. The QGIS processing guide
- 19. Module: Using Spatial Databases in QGIS
- 20. Appendix: Contributing To This Manual
- 21. Лист с отговори
- Индекси и таблици
- User Guide/Manual
- Preamble
- Foreword
- Conventions
- Свойства
- What’s new in QGIS 3.4
- Getting Started
- Working with Project Files
- QGIS Configuration
- Working with Projections
- General Tools
- Managing Data Source
- Работа с Векторни данни
- Working with Raster Data
- Working with Mesh Data
- Laying out the maps
- Working with OGC Data
- Working with GPS Data
- Authentication System
- GRASS GIS Integration
- QGIS processing framework
- Processing providers and algorithms
- Plugins
- Help and Support
- Contributors
- Appendices
- Literature and Web References
- User Guide/Manual PDF's
- PyQGIS Cookbook
- Introduction
- Loading Projects
- Loading Layers
- Using Raster Layers
- Using Vector Layers
- Geometry Handling
- Projections Support
- Using the Map Canvas
- Map Rendering and Printing
- Expressions, Filtering and Calculating Values
- Reading And Storing Settings
- Communicating with the user
- Authentication infrastructure
- Tasks - doing heavy work in the background
- Developing Python Plugins
- Writing a Processing plugin
- Network analysis library
- QGIS Server Python Plugins
- Cheat sheet for PyQGIS
- Developers Guide
- Documentation Guidelines