アルゴリズムをバッチプロセスとして実行する場合ツールボックスの名前を右ボタンクリックして表示されるポップアップメニューで Execute as batch process を選択して下さい
Figure Processing 26:
Figure Processing 27:
The main differences are found for parameters representing layers or tables, and for output file paths. Regarding input layers and tables, when an algorithm is executed as part of a batch process, those input data objects are taken directly from files, and not from the set of them already opened in QGIS. For this reason, any algorithm can be executed as a batch process, even if no data objects at all are opened and the algorithm cannot be run from the toolbox.
Filenames for input data objects are introduced directly typing or, more
conveniently, clicking on the button on the right hand of the cell,
which shows a typical file chooser dialog. Multiple files can be selected at once.
If the input parameter represents a single data object and several files are
selected, each one of them will be put in a separate row, adding new ones if
needed. If the parameter represents a multiple input, all the selected files will be added
to a single cell, separated by semicolons (
Output data objects are always saved to a file and, unlike when executing an algorithm from the toolbox, saving to a temporary file is not permitted. You can type the name directly or use the file chooser dialog that appears when clicking on the accompanying button.
Figure Processing 28:
もしデフォルトの値 (‘自動補完しない’) が選ばれた場合は、パラメータテーブルから選択されたセルの中の選択されたファイル名が選ばれます。もし、その他のオプションが選ばれた場合は、以下の選択された全てのセルは定義された条件に基づいて自動的に入力されます。この方法は、テーブルを埋めるよりはるかに簡単で、バッチプロセスは最小の労力によって定義することが出来ます。
Figure Processing 29: