<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:binarymorphologicaloperationclosing', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Foreground Value
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Background Value
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:binarymorphologicaloperationdilate', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -filter.dilate.foreval, -filter.dilate.backval, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:binarymorphologicaloperationerode', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:binarymorphologicaloperationopening', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Edge feature
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:edgeextractiongradient', -in, -channel, -ram, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Edge feature
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:edgeextractionsobel', -in, -channel, -ram, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Edge feature
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:edgeextractiontouzi', -in, -channel, -ram, -filter, -filter.touzi.xradius, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:grayscalemorphologicaloperationclosing', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:grayscalemorphologicaloperationdilate', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:grayscalemorphologicaloperationerode', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Structuring Element Type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
The Structuring Element Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Morphological Operation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:grayscalemorphologicaloperationopening', -in, -channel, -ram, -structype, -structype.ball.xradius, -filter, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
X Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 2
Y Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 2
X Offset
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Y Offset
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Image Minimum
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Image Maximum
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 255
Histogram number of bin
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 8
Texture Set Selection
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:haralicktextureextraction', -in, -channel, -ram, -parameters.xrad, -parameters.yrad, -parameters.xoff, -parameters.yoff, -parameters.min, -parameters.max, -parameters.nbbin, -texture, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]No rescaling in [0, 255]
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Output Detected lines
[vector]processing.runalg('otb:linesegmentdetection', -in, -norescale, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Selected Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Neighborhood radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 3
Feature Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:localstatisticextraction', -in, -channel, -ram, -radius, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image 1
[raster]Input Image 2
[raster]Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Change Map
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:multivariatealterationdetector', -in1, -in2, -ram, -out)
<put algorithm description here>
Input Image
[raster]Available RAM (Mb)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 128
Blue Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Green Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Red Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
NIR Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Mir Channel
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Available Radiometric Indices
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Output Image
[raster]processing.runalg('otb:radiometricindices', -in, -ram, -channels.blue, -channels.green, -channels.red, -channels.nir, -channels.mir, -list, -out)