<put algorithm description here>
Input layer
[raster]Band number
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Output file
[table]processing.runalg('gdalogr:gdal2xyz', input, band, output)
Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB
This utility will convert a pseudocolor band on the input file into an output RGB file of the desired format.
Input layer
[raster]Band to convert
[selection]Band to convert to RGB
Default: 0
Output layer
[raster]processing.runalg('gdalogr:pcttorgb', input, nband, output)
Creates vector polygons for all connected regions of pixels in the raster sharing a common pixel value. Each polygon is created with an attribute indicating the pixel value of that polygon. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL polygonize utility .
Input layer
[raster]Output field name
[string]Defines the field name in which the attributes of the connected regions are entered. If no field name is defined the name will be ‘DN’.
Default: DN
Output layer
[vector]processing.runalg('gdalogr:polygonize', input, field, output)
Converts vector geometries (points, lines and polygons) into a raster image. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL rasterize utility .
Input layer
[vector: any]Attribute field
[tablefield: any]Write values inside an existing raster layer(*)
[boolean]If activated writes the results into an existing raster layer.
Default: False
Set output raster size (ignored if above option is checked)
[selection]If the above option is not checked either the output size is in pixels (0) or the output resolution is in map units per pixel (1).
Default: 1
[number]Sets the horizontal resolution of the output raster.
Default: 100.0
[number]Sets the vertical resolution of the output raster.
Default: 100.0
Raster type
[selection]Defines the type of the resulting raster image.
Default: 0
Output layer: mandatory to choose an existing raster layer if the (*) option is selected
[raster]processing.runalg('gdalogr:rasterize', input, field, writeover, dimensions, width, height, rtype, output)
Converts a 24bit RGB image into a 8bit paletted. Computes an optimal pseudo-color table for the given RGB-image using a median cut algorithm on a downsampled RGB histogram. Then it converts the image into a pseudo-colored image using the color table. This conversion utilizes Floyd-Steinberg dithering (error diffusion) to maximize output image visual quality. If you want to classify a raster map and want to reduce the number of classes it can be helpful to downsample your image with this algorithm before. The algorithm is derived from the GDAL rgb2pct utility .
Input layer
[raster]Number of colors
[number]The number of colors the resulting image will contain. A value from 2-256 is possible.
Default: 2
Output layer
[raster]processing.runalg('gdalogr:rgbtopct', input, ncolors, output)
<put algorithm description here>
Input layer
[raster]Set the size of the output file (In pixels or %)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 100
Output size is a percentage of input size
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Nodata value, leave as none to take the nodata value from input
[string]<put parameter description here>
Default: none
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Output projection for output file [leave blank to use input projection]
[crs]<put parameter description here>
Default: None
Subset based on georeferenced coordinates
[extent]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0,1,0,1
Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: False
Additional creation parameters
<put parameter description here>
Default: (not set)
Output raster type
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
Output layer
[raster]processing.runalg('gdalogr:translate', input, outsize, outsize_perc, no_data, expand, srs, projwin, sds, extra, rtype, output)