Documentation Guidelines


QGIS Documentation will be built automatically on the server at 0, 8am, 4pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). The current status is available at

QGIS Documentation is mainly written using the reStructuredText (reST) format syntax, coupled with some scripts from the Sphinx toolset to post-process the HTML output. See or

In general, when creating rst documentation for the QGIS project, please follow the Python documentation style guidelines. Below are exposed some general guidelines to follow when using reST for the QGIS documentation writing.

If you are looking for general rules on contributing to QGIS project or managing repositories, you may find help at Get Involved in the QGIS Community.

Writing Documentation


To each webpage of the documentation corresponds a .rst file.

Sections used to structure the text are identified through their title which is underlined (and overlined for the first level). Same level titles must use same character for underline adornment. In QGIS Documentation, you should use following styles for chapter, section, subsection and minisec.






Inline tags

You can use some tags inside the text to emphasize some items.

  • Menu gui: to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus and choosing a specific operation, or any subsequence of such a sequence.

    :menuselection:`menu --> submenu`
  • Dialog and Tab title: Labels presented as part of an interactive user interface including window title, tab title and option labels.

  • Button labels

  • Filename or directory

  • Icon with popup text belonging to Icon

    |icon| :sup:`popup_text`

    (see image below).

  • Shorcut keyboard

    :kbd:`ctrl B`

    will show Ctrl B

  • User text



References are used to place anchors inside the text. It then helps you create and call hyperlinks between sections or page.

The example below creates the anchor of a section (e.g., Label/reference title)

.. _my_anchor:


To call the reference in the same page, use

see my_anchor_ for more information.

which will return:

see my_anchor for more information.

Notice how it will jump to the following line/thing following the ‘anchor’. Normally to declare this label you do not need to use apastroph’s but you do need to use empty lines before and after the anchor.

Another way to jump to the same place from anywhere in the documentation is to use the :ref: role.

see :ref:`my_anchor` for more information.

which will display the caption instead (in this case the title of this section!):

see Label/reference for more information.

So reference 1 (my_anchor) and reference 2 (Label/reference). Because the reference often displays a full caption, there is not really the need to use the word section. Note that you can also use a custom caption to describe the reference

see :ref:`Label and reference <my_anchor>` for more information.


see Label and reference for more information.

Figure and image


To insert an image, use

.. image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png
   :width: 10 em

which returns



You can put an image inside text or add an alias to use everywhere. To use an image inside a paragraph, just create an alias somewhere.

.. |nice_logo| image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png
               :width: 2 em

and call it in your paragraph:

my paragraph begins here with a nice logo |nice_logo|.

Here is how this example become:

my paragraph begins here with a nice logo nice_logo.


Currently, to ensure consistency and help in the use of QGIS icons a list of alias is built and available in Substitutions chapter.


.. _figure_readme_1:

.. only:: html

   **Figure Readme 1:**

.. figure:: /static/common/qgislogo.png
   :width: 20 em
   :align: center

   A caption: A logo I like

The result looks like this:

Figure Readme 1:


A caption: A logo I like

Use .. only:: html to make the number to the figure (Figure Readme 1) visible only in the html files. The scripts will insert an automatical generated number before the caption of the figure in pdf.

To use a caption (see My caption) just insert indented text after a blank line in the figure block.

Referencing to the figure can be done using the reference label like this

(see Figure_Readme_1_).

It will show the anchor Figure_Readme_1. You can use uppercase if you want. It can be used in the same .rst document but not in other .rst documents.

You can not use the :ref: role for reference anymore, because in html the reference to the caption is lost (it now refers to the place before Figure Readme 1:)

see :ref:`figure_readme_1`, does not work due to the lost reference to
the caption of the figure, this is not a 'bug' but a choice we made!


To create a simple table

=======  =======  =======
x        y        z
=======  =======  =======
1        2        3
2        4
=======  =======  =======

Use a \ followed by an empty space to leave an empty space.

You can also use more complicated tables by drawing them using references and all

.. _my_drawn_table_1:

| Windows       | Mac OSX            |
| |win|         | |osx|              |
| and of course not to forget |nix|  |

My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption

You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table_1_.

The result:

Windows Mac OSX
win osx
and of course not to forget nix

My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption

You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table_1.


Several index tag exists in RST. To be able to translate the index, it is necessary to integrate it into the normal text. In this case use this syntax:

QGIS allows to load several :index:`Vector formats` supported by GDAL/OGR ...

If the term does not have to be translated, please use this syntax:

.. index:: WMS, WFS, WCS, CAT, SFS, GML, ...


Please note: Footnotes are not recognized by any translation software and it is also not converted to pdf format properly. So, if possible don’t use footnotes within any documentation.

This is for creating a footnote

blabla [1]_

Which will point to:

[1]Updates of core plugins

Managing Screnshots

Add new Screenshots

Here are some hints to create new, nice looking screenshots. For the user guide they go into ./resources/en/user_manual/

  • same environment for all the screen caps (same OS, same decoration, same font size). We have used Ubuntu with Unity and the default “ambience” theme. For screenshots of QGIS main window and composer we have set it to show menus on the window (not the default in unity).
  • reduce the window to the minimal space needed to show the feature (taking the all screen for a small modal window > overkill)
  • the less clutter, the better (no need to activate all the toolbars)
  • don’t resize them in an image editor, the size will be set into the rst files if necessary (downscaling the dimensions without properly upping the resolution > ugly)
  • cut the background
  • Set print size resolution to 135 dpi, eg in Gimp set the print resolution (image > print size) and save. This way, if no size is set in the rst files, images will be at original size in html and at a good print resolution in the PDF. You can use ImageMagick convert command to do a batch of images:
convert -units PixelsPerInch input.png -density 135 output.png
  • save them in png (no jpeg artifacts)
  • the screenshot should show the content according to what is described in the text
  • you can find some prepared QGIS-projects that were used before to create screenshots in ./qgis-projects. This makes it easier to reproduce screenshots for the next version of QGIS. These projects use the QGIS Sample Data (aka Alaska Dataset), which should be placed in the same folder as the QGIS-Documentation Repository.
  • Use the following command to remove the global menu function in Ubuntu to create smaller application screens with menu’s:
sudo apt-get autoremove appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt

Translate Screenshots

Here are some hints to create screenshots for your translated user guide. They will go into ./resources/<your language>/user_manual/

  • same environment for all the screen caps (same OS, same decoration, same font size)
  • use the QGIS -projects included in QGIS-Documentation repository (in ./qgis_projects ). These were used to produce the ‘original’ screenshots in the manual. The QGIS Sample Data (aka Alaska Dataset) should be placed in the same folder as the QGIS-Documentation Repository.
  • same size as the english ‘original’ screenshots, otherwise they will be stretched and look ugly. If you need to have a different size due to longer ui strings, don’t forget to change the dimension in the rst code of your language.
  • reduce the window to the minimal space needed to show the feature (taking all the screen for a small modal window > overkill)
  • the less clutter, the better (no need to activate all the toolbars)
  • don’t resize them in an image editor, the size will be set into the rst files (downscaling the dimensions without properly upping the resolution > ugly)
  • cut the background
  • save them in png (no jpeg artifacts)
  • the screenshot should show the content according to what is described in the text

Documenting Processing algorithms

If you want to write documentation for Processing algorithms consider these guidelines:

  • don’t overwrite existing help files by files from other sources (e.g. QGIS source tree or Processing-Help repository), this files have different formats
  • Processing algorithm help files are part of QGIS User Guide, so use same formatting as User Guide and other documentation
  • avoid use “This algoritm does this and that...” as first sentence in algorithm description. Try to use more general words like in TauDEM or GRASS algoritms help
  • add images if needed. Use PNG format and follow general guidelines for documentation.
  • if necessary add links to additional information (e.g. publications or web-pages) to the “See also” section
  • give clear explanation for algorithm parameters and outputs (again GRASS and TauDEM are good examples).
  • don’t edit parameter or output names. If you found typo or wrong spelling — report this in bugracker, so developers can fix this in Processing code too
  • don’t list available options in algorithm description, options already listed in parameter description.
  • don’t add information vector geometry type in algorithm or parameter description without compelling reason as this information already available in parameter description