Creates a grid.
[vector: any]Optional.
Grid will be created according to the selected layer.
Output extent
[extent]Extent of the grid.
Default: 0,1,0,1
Division Width
[number]X-axes spacing between the lines.
Default: 1.0
Division Height
[number]Y-axes spacing between the lines.
Default: 1.0
[selection]Geometry type of the resulting grid.
Default: 0
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:creategraticule', extent, output_extent, distx, disty, type, graticule)
<put algorithm description here>
Vector layer to cut
[vector: any]Method
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Cutting polygons
[vector: any]Result
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:cutshapeslayer', shapes, method, polygons_polygons, cut, extent)
Creates polygons according to the extent of the input layer features.
[vector: any]Parts
[boolean]Determines whether create polygon for each feature (True
) or just create
single polygon for whole layer (False
Default: True
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:getshapesextents', shapes, parts, extents)
Merges two or more input layer into a unique resulting layer. You can merge together only layer of the same type (polygons with polygons, lines with lines, points with points).
The attribute table of the resulting layer will include only the attributes of the first input layer. Two additional columns will be added: one corresponding to the ID of every merged layer and the other one corresponding to the original name of the merged layer.
Main Layer
[vector: any]Additional Layers
[multipleinput: any vectors]Optional.
Layer(s) to merge with.
Merged Layer
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:mergeshapeslayers', main, layers, out)
<put algorithm description here>
Polar Coordinates
[vector: any]Exaggeration
[tablefield: any]Exaggeration Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 6371000.0
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Cartesian Coordinates
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:polartocartesiancoordinates', polar, f_exagg, d_exagg, radius, degree, cartes)
<put algorithm description here>
[vector: any]Attribute
[tablefield: any]Polygons
[vector]Duplicated Points
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:quadtreestructuretoshapes', shapes, attribute, polygons, lines, points)
Creates buffer around features based on fixed distance or distance field.
[vector: any]Buffer Distance
[selection]Buffering method.
Default: 0
Buffer Distance (Fixed)
[number]Buffer distance for “fixed value” method.
Default: 100.0
Buffer Distance (Attribute)
[tablefield: any]Scaling Factor for Attribute Value
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Number of Buffer Zones
[number]Number of buffer(s) to generate.
Default: 1.0
Circle Point Distance [Degree]
[number]Smoothness of the buffer borders: great numbers means rough borders.
Default: 5.0
Dissolve Buffers
[boolean]Determines whether to dissolve results or not.
Default: True
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:shapesbuffer', shapes, buf_type, buf_dist, buf_field, buf_scale, buf_zones, dcircle, dissolve, buffer)
Splits the input layer randomly in two parts.
[vector: any]Split ratio (%)
[number]Split ratio between the resulting layers.
Default: 50
Group A
[vector]Group B
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:splitshapeslayerrandomly', shapes, percent, a, b)
<put algorithm description here>
[vector: any]dX
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
Scale Factor X
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Scale Factor Y
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
[vector]processing.runalg('saga:transformshapes', in, dx, dy, angle, scalex, scaley, anchorx, anchory, out)