Imagery tools

Vegetation index[distance based]


<put algorithm description here>


Near Infrared Band [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Red Band [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Slope of the soil line [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0.0

Intercept of the soil line [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0.0


PVI (Richardson and Wiegand) [raster]
<put output description here>
PVI (Perry & Lautenschlager) [raster]
<put output description here>
PVI (Walther & Shabaani) [raster]
<put output description here>
PVI (Qi, et al) [raster]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:vegetationindexdistancebased', nir, red, slope, intercept, pvi, pvi1, pvi2, pvi3)

See also

Vegetation index[slope based]


<put algorithm description here>


Near Infrared Band [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Red Band [raster]
<put parameter description here>


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>
Ratio Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>
Transformed Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>
Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>
Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>
Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index [raster]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:vegetationindexslopebased', nir, red, ndvi, ratio, tvi, ctvi, ttvi, nratio)

See also